Elite Metal Warriors - Sabrina York Page 0,7

she inhaled, taking in his musky scent, the fragrance of man and leather and thrumming libido. His cock, upright and molded in the cotton of his briefs, was gorgeous. She couldn’t wait to get her hands, her mouth on it.

Carefully—only scraping his cock a tiny bit with her chin, just enough to annoy him—she took the elastic band in her teeth and tugged. As his cock released, it brushed her cheek and he hissed in a breath.

It was a relief, a vindication, to know he was aching as much as she. That each touch was like a live wire being scraped over raw nerves. She edged down one side and then the other and when he was fully revealed, she leaned back and stared.

He was large and full and the weight pulled him to the left, but his cock was perfect. Thick and veined and beaded with anticipation right at the tip. Unable to resist, she lapped at him and nearly moaned. Salty and creamy and delicious. She took him in her mouth then, because the temptation was far too irresistible, and because she knew he would allow it. She took him in her mouth and sank down on him, reveling in the fullness he gave her. With an animalistic groan he threaded his fingers into her hair and held her there.

Or maybe he was holding her still.

Maybe he didn’t dare allow her to pleasure him too much.

His fingers tightened. “Lie back,” he said, but he didn’t pull her away. As though he couldn’t bear to. She released him with a plop and glanced at his face.

Ah. That expression. She wanted a photo of him like that. Something to hold on to and ogle every day for the rest of her life. He was gorgeous. Tight and racked with need. Gazing down at her with a feral hunger.

“Lie back.” Harsher, with almost a desperate tinge.

She smiled, something snarky, like a smirk. And did. Anticipating…

But he didn’t climb on top of her. Didn’t wrench her legs apart and shove himself inside as she craved. Instead, he knelt before her and took her knees, yanking her to the edge of the bed. Before she realized what he had in mind, he had her legs over his shoulders and had buried his face between her legs and God—

He lapped.

He lapped and licked and explored her in a leisurely fashion, murmuring and moaning when he found her arousal. He slid a finger into her waiting body and she clenched. He yanked it out and shoved in two, as though the first had been but a probe.

The second was nothing of the sort. He played her, stroking her, inside and out, rubbing her into a frenzy of passion. She knew she was not long for this world. Resistance was futile.

Indeed, when he filled her again, he found that spot deep within where her nerves hummed and screamed, and she collapsed in on herself as bliss flooded her. She bit her lip to hold back her cries, but her body spoke for her, shuddering and twitching and clenching in spasm after spasm of absolute freaking rapture.

She hadn’t even finished when he pulled out and mounted her. He still had her ankles over his shoulders, so when he rose, he held on to her calves and lifted her and sank the fuck home.

Oh, she’d thought she’d felt rapture before? That was nothing—nothing—compared to this. His cock was hard and demanding. No foreplay, just snarling heat as he pounded in and out in a manic, mind-bending rhythm. Heat rose within her, coiled into a tight knot at her core. Pressure mounted as he slammed into her again and again, gritting his teeth and clenching her leg and working his hips like a pile driver.

He hit her and hit her deep. Hard. Right where it counted. Again and again.

Her breath seized. Her heart thudded. Her body wailed.

Another wave of ecstasy crested. He snarled an invective as she closed around him. He held still until he could move again and then, when he did, it was with a crazed frenzy. His thrusts became faster. His lunges deeper. His movements erratic. Bestial.

He sealed their bodies together, mashing his pubic bone against her. Grinding against her clit in a way that set her off again. His cock swelled inside her. Jerked. His features clenched and he gave a heartfelt groan that shook the room. And then he released her, body and soul. He released her and collapsed at her side.

It had been

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