Elite Metal Warriors - Sabrina York Page 0,34

him with a click. She tried not to feel like he was locking her in. But with him, it somehow always felt that way. “What was so important that you had to talk to me alone?”

He frowned. “Two things. First of all, you never gave me a report of your investigation about those bikers.”

Her gut rippled. She shrugged. “There was nothing to report. Deep Ellum was a dead end.”

“What do you mean?” His tone sharpened.

“I mean dead. There was a report filed with the Dallas PD that two bikers with the descriptions you gave me were sideswiped on the freeway and splattered.”

“Are you sure?”

“Pretty sure. I thought it was kind of odd. One biker sideswiped. Sure. But two? And guys with such distinctive tats?” She gored him with her best reporter glare. “Where did you get that lead?”

He shifted uncomfortably. “Never mind.”

“Just seems weird, is all.”

“It’s not weird.”

“Seems weird.”

He frowned at her. “Forget about that story.”

She forced a blasé expression. “Okay, fine. Is that all you wanted to talk about?”


Crap. “Then what?”

“I had a visit.”

Roni’s muscles clenched. She didn’t like the change in his tone. It was harsher, vicious. Predatory.

“A visit?” She tried to keep her tone light, though her nerves were humming. How was Ant doing? She wished someone would tell her, but the bud in her ear was silent.

“From a lawyer.” Marcus spat the word.

It was tough to keep the smile from her face. Clearly, the lawyer had ticked him off. “Do tell.”

He rounded on her. “Who the fuck do you think you are, to demand custody of Annabelle?”

Roni gaped at him. “Um, her only blood relative?”

“I told you I would give you custody.”

“It’s been six years.”

Marcus’ fierce expression devolved to a pout. “There was no need to hire a piranha.”

“Is he? A piranha?”

“You know damn well what he is.” Marcus blew out a harsh breath. “The man threatened to break my kneecaps.”

Roni quit trying to hold back her smile and glanced meaningfully at his kneecaps. “I want my sister back.”

He crossed his arms. “You owe me stories.”

“I owe you nothing. And if you think I’m just going to sit back and let you raise my sister, or keep her from me, you’re crazy. I will do whatever it takes to get her back. Do you understand? Whatever it takes.” She glanced meaningfully at his knees again.

“What about our deal? That you would work for me?”

“You don’t need me.”

“Your family name opens doors and you know it.”

“All right. Fine. If you play nice and give me what I want, I’d be more than happy to keep slipping you juicy leads.”

He studied her, his gaze far too sharp. “I thought you wanted out.”

“I want my sister out. I like my job.” God. It galled her, the lie. But it was necessary. He needed to believe she still wanted to work for his sorry ass, if she would be of any use to Sterling and his team.

Marcus was silent for a long while. Then he tapped his lip and said, in a cloying tone, “We might be able to work something out. Call off your dog.”

“No chance.” No fucking way. “I’ve had it with your promises. I want Annabelle and I want her now.” And, frankly, she’d had enough of him.

Apparently, he’d had enough of her as well. He swung for the door and she followed. She could only hope she’d bought Ant enough time to bug Marcus’ cell phone and drop the clone into his laptop.

God help them if she hadn’t…

* * *

The change in the tenor of their conversation indicated Roni and Morrow were heading back to the office. Sterling’s nape prickled as he stared at Ant still struggling with the computer.

“Finish it, buddy,” he muttered. “They’re coming back.”

“Hold your horses, I’m nearly there…nearly there…”

Just as the door to the office opened, he snapped the laptop closed and lunged back onto the sofa, snagging his cell phone.

When Morrow and Roni entered the room, he was just where he had been, flicking through his emails. He glanced up and gave a goofy grin. “All done?” he chirped.

“All done,” she said.

“Excellent. There are some epic waves over in Malibu. Is that how you say it, sugar pie?” He shot a look at Morrow. “Dude. Ya surf?”

Morrow, middle aged, dumpy and wheezing from the walk to the conference room across the hall, shook his head.

“Aw, bummer. I hear it’s awesome.” Ant stood and draped his arm around Roni’s shoulders. “Ready, babe?”

Sterling closed his eyes as smooching sounds rattled his nerves.

“All ready.”

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