Elite (Eagle Elite) - By Rachel Van Dyken Page 0,83

Nixon said dryly as his eyes fell to the door where Chase was now walking in.

“Everyone’s present,” Grandpa announced. “Each representative of the commission is allowed to speak on behalf of their family. I’ll go last considering the subject matter.”

This was followed by several grunts and head nods.

“I’ll go first.” Someone stepped forward. I didn’t recognize him, but I felt like I should. He looked to be a few years older than me, most likely Nixon’s age. His eyes scanned the room and then fell on me. “Trace, is it?”

His voice held a slight accent. I wasn’t sure if he was mocking me or if that’s just the way his voice sounded. I nodded my head anyway and waited for him to keep talking.

Nixon tensed next to me as the guy approached. “Faust Assante, at your service.” He gave a wide smile and bent over my hand, his lips were warm against my knuckles as he brushed a kiss across them. I could have sworn I heard Nixon growl next to me. “Now.” Faust stood to his full height which towered over me and tilted his head to the side looking skeptical and methodical. Had I not had my fair share of hot guy run-ins this year I would have probably swallowed my tongue. The guy was as good-looking as they come, only something about him was cold.

“Your side of the story, if you don’t mind.” He nodded. “When you’re ready, Trace.”

“My side?” I squeaked. “Does that mean even he gets to have a say?” I pointed a shaky finger at Phoenix. “After what he did to me? Well, Faust…” I said his name like an expletive. “My side is pretty much summed up in one word. Rape. That guy sitting over there beat me, bruised me, and then tried to rip my clothes off me. When I said no, he said yes, when I pushed, he pushed back, so yeah that’s basically my side. He would have killed me had Chase and Nixon not intervened.”

“You don’t know that.” Faust’s eyes flashed. “After all, if what you’re wearing now is any indication of what you wear on a day to day basis, I’d say you were a tease.”

Nixon pushed me behind him and stood in front of Faust. “You’ve got to be kidding me, who the hell do you think you are?”

Faust smirked. “I am merely stating a fact. If a woman is asking for something and not careful, well, she will get exactly what she deserves.”

Nixon swung hard and hit Faust across the jaw, sending him sailing to the ground. “Anyone else care to tell Trace what she deserves? Be my guest.”His breathing was ragged as he stood there and waited for someone to speak. Grandpa moved to stand next to him, as did Chase. The rest of the men in the room shifted on their feet and looked to me. I wanted to die on the spot. What was so bad about a t-shirt and jeans? I self-consciously pulled my shirt lower so that it covered my butt. Maybe Faust was right. Maybe I did somehow ask for it. I looked down at my shaking hands. Warm arms came around me and I knew in an instant whose they were. Not Nixon’s, not Grandpa’s, but Chase’s. I leaned into him. His scent — everything about him was familiar.

“I have something to say,” Chase said, still holding me.

All eyes fell on him.

“I should have killed that bastard the minute I saw him on top of Trace, to be honest, the only reason I didn’t was because I was saving the honor for her. So if anyone else has anything to say, say it now. We’re just wasting time, and honestly every breath that asshole breathes offends me so much that I want to crush his windpipe.”

The rest of the commission whispered to one another and nodded. A man stepped forward. “We do not need to hear anything else. Mr. Alfero?”

Grandpa looked ticked. He moved away from Nixon and stood in front of Phoenix. “You’ve hurt this family for the last time.”

Phoenix smirked. “I seriously doubt that. After all, it’s only a matter of time before they figure out who she is. And when they do, there won’t be anything that can save you. Not your power, not your money, and not your name. They will come for you all. And I’ll be smiling from hell.”

Grandpa was handed a bat.

I felt myself pale.

He swung hard and hit Phoenix in the

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