Elite (Eagle Elite) - By Rachel Van Dyken Page 0,8

Hilfiger proud. Tex moved past us to knock fists with them. And then I noticed Phoenix make his way through the crowd and embrace Tex pumping him twice on the back.

Nixon took off his sunglasses and examined me slowly. His eyes narrowed until I could barely see the icy blue. He snapped his head to Monroe and nodded just once. “Nice work, Monroe. She looks like she actually belongs here.”

“She does belong here, you idiot.” Monroe moved past me and air kissed her brother on either side of his face before returning to me.

“The way I see it…” Nixon grinned. “She won a silly contest. The same contest we put on every year so that the poor underprivileged people of the world are able to join the high society. She…” He pointed at me and smirked. “Is just a number.”

“At least I’m not an ass,” I spat. To my utter horror and complete humiliation it fell silent all around us.

Nixon slowly approached me. Rage was evident in his eyes but I couldn’t back down. I refused to be bullied by some privileged rich kid who thought he ruled the known universe just because he was good-looking and had money.

“Is this on?” A guy spoke into a microphone. “Attention, everyone.”

Nixon shook his head and backed off, making his way toward the stage.

“Your student body president would like to welcome you all back to school!”

Okay, so maybe he was a type of president. I clenched my teeth and waited. Monroe patted me on the arm as Nixon made his way to the stage.

People chanted his name over and over again. Funny how his name was Nixon. I smirked to myself and noticed that Nixon’s eyes never left my face.

“I’d like to introduce someone….” Oh no, oh hell no.

“She’s new here…” He stared at me coldly. “And I want everyone to give her a warm, Eagle Elite welcome! Please clap your hands for… Dr. Tessa Stevens, our new history professor.”

I blew out the breath I’d been holding and struggled to keep my hands at my sides. The only way I could smile was by imagining my hands around Nixon’s throat.

A pretty middle-aged woman waved from the side of the stage. Nixon clapped in her direction and flashed a devastating smile.

Suck up.

“Now, I know all of you are eager to start the welcome party.” He winked in my direction. The bastard.

Monroe wrapped her arm around me and whispered for me to calm down. Did I look that angry? I got my answer the minute I felt another hand on my back.

I flipped around and saw Chase smile and touch me briefly on the shoulder, inclining his head in my direction. I seriously almost punched him in the nose. I felt manipulated when they were mean and I felt manipulated when they were nice. It was like I always had to watch my back.

“I’m sure you’ve all noticed we have a new student. The winner of the annual Eagle Elite lottery registered this morning.” Nixon’s dimples widened right along with his smile. “Trace, why don’t you come up here and say a few words?”

No. I shook my head and dug my heels into the ground. But Chase had a hold of my arm and tugged me toward the stage. I looked back at Monroe, but she was currently fighting her own battle with Tex. He had both of her arms firmly behind her back in a tight grip. At least he mouthed sorry to me.

Phoenix was nowhere to be seen, but I’m sure he was around for backup just in case I decided to attempt to break Chase’s nose.

Each step clanged in the large room. I could feel my own heartbeat as I made my way toward the stage.

Nixon held his hand out to me, but I was afraid to take it, afraid that if I did he would jerk back or embarrass me. I couldn’t trust him, and he knew it. Yet if I didn’t grab it, I would be insulting him, which was apparently an unforgiveable sin.

I prayed he’d take my hand.

Shaking, I reached out to grasp his hand.

Shock at his warm touch overwhelmed me. His eyes hooded as he looked down at our joined hands. Briefly, it looked like his face relaxed and I saw a different person. One who wasn’t in league with the devil.

As quickly as it had happened, his face tightened and he dropped my hand. I watched as he rubbed it on his slacks and then flexed it

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