Elite (Eagle Elite) - By Rachel Van Dyken Page 0,76

do anything. Just like he won’t be able to do anything now.”

“Why?” I choked out trying to buy time. I had no idea what he was going to do I just knew that for some reason he hated me and wanted to hurt me.

“Why?” His eyebrows rose as he licked his lips and then spat on me. “Because you’re a dirty whore. Because you’ve ruined everything I’ve worked for years to build. Because the minute Nixon broke me away from the Elect, nobody in town will do business with us. I’ve been ordered by my father to take care of things in any way possible. This is my way of doing that. Can’t have family secrets rearing their ugly heads just because Nixon decided he had a heart, now can we?”

“Nixon will kill you,” I said in a shaky voice.

Phoenix punched the wall above my head. “Not if I kill him first.” His laugh was dark, crazy actually. Was he high on drugs? His hands moved from the wall to my shoulders and in an instant he was ripping my sweater from my body. With sickening dread I knew exactly what he was doing to do.

He wasn’t going to kill me. No. That would be too kind.

He was going to make me into the whore everyone already thought I was, and he was going to destroy me. Take the one thing that was only mine to give.

“A thousand bucks says you’re a virgin…” His hands moved to my blouse and very slowly he began undoing the buttons until my shirt fluttered to the floor along with my sweater. I’d never been so scared or embarrassed in my life.

He leered at me.

Frantic, I clenched my fist and let it fly, hitting him in the jaw. Staggering back, he cursed and then grabbed my leg as I tried to run away.

“I like a girl who’s rough.”

I tried kicking him in the stomach, but he pushed my leg against the ground and then jumped on top of me lifting my skirt in the process. I couldn’t help the tears streaming down my face, or the fact that my scream wouldn’t come out of my mouth. It was like I wasn’t actually living through this, like my soul had left my body and I was watching it happen to another person.

His hands touched my thighs and I prayed to God that he would knock me out before any more of him touched me.

With one final surge I tried to buck him off me scratching his face and whatever else I could do. He hit me repeatedly across the face until it no longer hurt.

My head fell to the floor. The strength was gone. I couldn’t fight. My brain told me to, but my muscles wouldn’t work.

He pulled my skirt up past my waist.

I prayed again.

Phoenix blew me a kiss and then moved his hands to my underwear.

Something pounded the door and then I heard cursing. My eyes were blurry from tears, my face swollen from being Phoenix’s punching bag.

Two blurs entered the room shouting and threw Phoenix off me.

Chase was immediately by my side. He threw a jacket over my exposed body and tucked my head into his shoulder while Nixon threw Phoenix against the wall.

“I’ll kill you for touching her.” Nixon seethed. “You low life.” His fist sailed into Phoenix’s stomach. “Piece of shit!” His other fist connected with Phoenix’s jaw and then Nixon pulled a knife from his back pocket and kicked Phoenix in the stomach. As he bent over in pain, Nixon used his knife and jammed it into Phoenix’s right hand.

Phoenix screamed.

Everything happened in slow motion until someone else entered the room — Grandpa.

His gaze took in the mess and me lying in Chase’s arms. Murderous rage reflected in his eyes as he slowly walked up to Nixon who had just pulled his knife from Phoenix’s hand.

“Get a place ready,” Grandpa said to the man who had followed him in. He nodded quickly and left.

Grandpa and Nixon were both circling Phoenix. Crumpled on the floor, he was still holding his one hand, and blood poured from the wound.

“Your decision, Nixon.” Grandpa said, his voice cold.

“Hammer.” Nixon didn’t flinch, didn’t even think about it.

Grandpa nodded and looked to me and Chase. Chase pointed to one of the cupboards. Within seconds Grandpa located a hammer and brought it back to Nixon’s outstretched hand.

“You should close your eyes,” Chase whispered into my ear, his arms so tight around my body I almost couldn’t

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