Elite (Eagle Elite) - By Rachel Van Dyken Page 0,47

turn opened his mouth to say something and then pointed at Tex.

Tex turned around and pointed at an empty chair. “Damn. I have nobody to blame.”

“What you all dated her?” I crossed my arms.

“What happens in the Elect, stays in the Elect.” Chase gave Nixon a high-five.

“This isn’t Vegas.”

“Drugs, gangs, sex, money, and guns? You sure about that?” Nixon winked.

Okay, he had me there. I mean if it was possible to name a second Vegas, Elite would be it.

The bell rang in the distance. I quickly grabbed my bag and moved toward the door. A hand came out and tugged my bag, successfully making me fall back into strong arms. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Class?” My voice squeaked.

“Hmm…” Nixon’s arms tightened around my body. He rested his chin on my head. I could feel the muscles beneath his shirt flex against my back. A million different sensations ran through my body in that moment. It was nearly impossible to breathe.

“How about you skip?”

“I can’t just skip class!”

He released his hold and turned me to face him. “But you kind of want to, don’t you?”

“No.” I looked down at my shoes. Brave. I know. But whenever I looked into his eyes it was impossible to deny him anything! It was both aggravating and exhilarating. Sometimes it hurt to look at him.

He wore his perfection differently than most guys. The beauty of Nixon was in his imperfection. His crooked smile. The lip ring drew attention to his lips, making them look larger. And then his nose, it looked like it had been broken once, but it was in that tiny crook at the bridge that you saw something fierce about him. And his eyes. His ice blue eyes would warm within an instant when he was amused. His hair would fall across his brow giving him a rough yet vulnerable look.

Agh! I needed to stop. It sucked that if you took all of those perfections in one by one he wouldn’t be perfect, but together they made a masterpiece.

“Fine.” He sighed and released his hold on me. “But, don’t forget about tonight. No faking illness or saying you have homework, okay?”

Still looking at the floor, I grinned and nodded my head once.

“Okay, off you go.” Nixon stepped in front of me and opened the door. Head down, I walked through. I should have known better. I mean, it was Nixon. The minute I breezed by him, he smacked my butt. And then slammed the door in my face, so I couldn’t yell.

However, I did hear his laughing on the other side of the door, which just infuriated me more. With a curse I stomped off to math. At least that would take my focus off Nixon, which is really all I’d been thinking about lately.

I couldn’t figure him out.

I don’t think he even had himself figured out.

He was like a giant puzzle with missing and broken pieces.

And, as much as I knew I would live to regret it… I was on a hunt, for the missing and damaged ones. Every. Last. One.

Chapter Eighteen

“Ready?” Nixon held out his hand. After much coaxing, Monroe had convinced me to wear a short black dress with nylons and the boots from Chase. I added a short jean jacket and wore my necklace. I mean, I was with Nixon — nothing would happen to it.

I’d like to see someone try to mug me with him around.

“Yup.” I took his hand.

And so the date with the devil began.

“Still hate me?” he asked once we were in the Range Rover.

“Still not telling me who you are?” I replied.

“And off we go!” He laughed and started the car. “So, you may have noticed we don’t have security tonight.”

Telling myself to stop sweating so profusely, I nodded and tilted my head toward him. “Why?”

“Other than the fact I’m packing?” He lifted his eyebrows at me and let out a bark of laughter.

All signs pointed to him not kidding.

“Chill.” The car turned right as we left the security gate of the campus. “It was a joke.”

“So you aren’t packing?” I gulped.

“Not technically.”

“Right.” I turned the air on in the car and closed my eyes. “So where are we going? I’m guessing it’s safe since we’re not having to worry about security?”



“Want to know where?” Geez, he was grinning like a little kid.

“You want to tell me, don’t you?”

“So bad.” He leaned over the steering wheel and laughed. I’d never seen him so animated or excited.

“Surprise me.”

“I get too excited when it

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