Elite (Eagle Elite) - By Rachel Van Dyken Page 0,35

we pulled up to my dorm I unbuckled my seatbelt, but something was still bothering me about the whole situation.

“Why are people afraid of you?”

Nixon smiled. “Aren’t you afraid of me?”

I gulped. “Sometimes.”

His eyes got sad as he reached across the console and grabbed my hand. “You know I would never let anyone hurt you, right?”

“See!” I didn’t mean to yell. “That’s what I’m talking about! A few days ago you were telling me I was basically the cockroach beneath your shoe! And now you’re taking me shopping? I’m sorry, it doesn’t add up.”

“Yeah well, life rarely does.” Nixon swore and then groaned. His face was tight as if he was in severe pain. “Look, I was just warning you, that’s all. And just because I’m being nice to you doesn’t change the fact that you have to follow the rules if you want to survive here.”

“Thanks. Got that memo loud and clear once I was drenched with sugar water and drugged.”

“Damn it, then why not just do what I say?”

I shrugged. “I don’t like being bossed around.”

“No shit.” He smirked. “But sometimes it’s for your own safety. Can’t you see that? Maybe the world isn’t as shiny and fun as you once thought. People are mean. Humanity is a cruel joke, Trace. I’m just trying to prevent them from getting the last laugh.”

I sighed. “So, why do they listen? Why do you get to make the rules?”

He froze. A mask slipped from his face and then it was just a boy and a girl in a car, talking. The air felt electric as he reached out and touched my cheek. “I wish that wasn’t the case. I wish I didn’t have to make rules… or enforce them.”

“Then don’t.” I reached out and placed my hand against his chest.

His eyes closed. “Sometimes we aren’t given choices. We just are.”

“What does that even mean?”

Nixon opened his eyes and slowly removed my hand from his chest. “It means that you should have listened to me on the first day of school.” His head tilted to the side. “Don’t touch the Elect. Don’t breathe the same air as the Elect, and don’t…” He cursed. “Just don’t.”

“Why?” My lower lip trembled.

“Because you are up to your eyeballs in shit, and you don’t even know it. And once you know… what everything’s about… the choice will be taken from you too. Hell, what am I saying? The choice was gone the minute your gramps dropped you off.”

“Choice?” I rolled my eyes. “You’re pretty serious and cryptic to boot, you know that right? What are you? Some kind of famous celebrity? A politician’s son? The President’s dirty little secret?”

At that he cracked a smile.

“…Hmm, that dirty little secret thing sure rings a bell. Don’t worry your pretty little head over anything, alright? Go do your homework and relax.”

Apparently I wasn’t going to get any answers. I grabbed my new bag and my purse and hopped out of the car. “Thanks for… everything.”

Nixon’s full lips curved into a smile. “My pleasure. Now go get some work done. I’ll send Chase over in a few.”

“Chase? Why?” I put my hand on my hip. Was I still under babysitting protection?

Nixon shrugged. “So no one bothers you, why else?”

“Why don’t you check on me yourself? Why send a minion?”

He barked with laughter. “A minion, huh?” He bit his lip, making the ring tilt to the side. Damn, I hated how sexy he was without even trying. “If I came and checked on you, I’d definitely be bothering you.”

“Annoying the hell out of me is more like it,” I shot back.

“Bye, Farm Girl.”

And there it was, the perfect ending to the weirdest day of my life.

“Thanks for that.” I flipped him off.

His response was to moo. Classic.

Chapter Fourteen

Monroe was already in the room waiting for me.

“How was shopping?” She sat cross-legged on her bed filing her nails.

“Oh swell. You know, other than seeing crazy guys in suits with guns and then having the devil buy me a Prada messenger bag to replace my old one.”

Monroe grinned. “Come on, everyone knows the devil wears Prada.”

“Thank you, Monroe.” I glared. “That was really helpful of you. Why’d you bail anyways? Do you always do whatever Nixon says?”

She snorted. “Yes, and even though he’s the devil incarnate — and an ass — at least he keeps me safe.”

“From what? Hormonal college students? Ice cream cones falling on your shoes? I don’t get it, who are you guys?”

“Wanna watch a movie?” She blew her hair

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