Elite (Eagle Elite) - By Rachel Van Dyken Page 0,27

talk like he’s mafia or something.”

The room fell silent and then everyone burst out laughing.

But it was the kind of nervous laughter that happens when nobody knows what else to do.


I finished the burger while Monroe and Tex argued over what to do with me where I wouldn’t get into trouble or cause myself physical harm. Finally I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Guys! Just go hang out. I was going to go to the store anyways.”

“No!” everyone said in unison.

“Is the store dangerous or something?”

Monroe shrugged. “No, it’s just not smart. I mean you shouldn’t leave campus by yourself. Besides, you need a car. You don’t have a car.”

No, but I had a bit of money stashed away. “I’ll take a cab.”

Monroe looked horrified. “A cab?”

Tex burst out laughing. “Do those still exist?”

Nixon flipped off the TV gaining everyone’s attention.

“So…” Chase asked, thrusting his hands in his pockets. “What will it be Nixon?”

He eyed me briefly before answering. “I guess we’re all going shopping.”

“But—” Monroe started and Nixon gave her a warning glare.

“We’ll take security.” He shrugged.

“But last time—”

“—I said…” Nixon’s nostrils flared. “We’ll take security.”

Chapter Eleven

After the last class ended for the afternoon, Monroe walked me back to the dorm. It was safe to say my messenger bag was completely destroyed. Grumpy, I threw it on the floor and grabbed the box that Grandma had given me. I hadn’t looked past the framed picture since that night, but I did stuff that wad of cash underneath a whole bunch of stuff in the box in order to keep it safe.

I hoped Grandpa wouldn’t be too upset that I was using the emergency fund for food and a new bag.

At least Nixon had gotten me a new uniform. Correction, he had bought me three. Each outfit had a different sweater underneath, one was red, the next gray, and the final one was blue. Typical.

That was the errand he had Chase run, and honestly I was super thankful. The last thing I wanted to do was buy a new uniform that cost more than my book bag.

“Ready?” Monroe asked from her side of the room. She’d been eerily quiet since the whole “We’ll bring security this time” talk. Maybe she didn’t get out much? Or maybe Chicago really was as scary as I thought it was.

“Yup, just let me get my cash.” I opened the box and dug for the cash. My fingers hit something cold, curious, I dumped the box onto my bed.

A few things came out. The small picture of Grandma and me and a picture of my parents. Weird. I hadn’t seen one of those since I was really little. We didn’t carry many family photos around the house. Grandpa said it just made him sad.

My eyes focused on the wad of cash and then something totally unexpected. A necklace. A giant silver cross with diamonds in the middle lay effortlessly across my bed. I picked it up, expecting it to be costume jewelry, therefore really light. It wasn’t. In fact, if I wore this thing around my neck and went swimming I’d probably drown.

I examined it in my hands and then flipped it over. “Alfero.”

That word sounded crazy familiar when I repeated it out loud.

“What did you just say?” Monroe asked suddenly right behind me. I tucked the necklace into my jean pocket and shrugged.

“Alfredo, I could go for some Alfredo.”

Monroe’s pale face sagged with relief. “Oh, oh sorry, I just thought…” Her eyes narrowed. “Nevermind. No biggie. You ready?”

I nodded and grabbed the stash of cash, careful to put all the contents of the box away. “Let's shop!”

We walked arm in arm down the three flights of stairs, deciding we didn’t want to talk to anyone if they were in elevators.

The minute we reached the first floor, I felt freedom since the first time I’d arrived five days ago.

Monroe began chatting about Tex, so I wasn’t paying attention to the commotion outside until Monroe stopped talking and let out a heavy sigh. “Looks like everyone is ready.”

I gawked. Four black Escalades were lined up against the driveway with a black Ranger Rover in front. So five cars. “Are we taking the whole school?” I asked breathlessly.

Monroe laughed. “No silly, just us and the guys.”

“Right.” I watched in amazement as the guys, aka the Elect, got out of the Range Rover and motioned for us to get our butts in gear.

“Are all those cars coming?” I pointed behind me.

Monroe shrugged and said nothing.

A guy with aviators and an

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