Elementary Romantic Calculus (Chemistry Lessons #6) - Susannah Nix Page 0,48

and compact like rabbit pellets, and easily brushed away.

“Goats can’t control their bowels,” she explained, “so they can’t be housebroken. They poop when they’re comfortable, so take it as a compliment if they’re comfortable enough to poop on you.”

There was a chorus of nervous laughter among the gathered students.

“Other than that, you’ll find goats are a lot like dogs. They can be shy of strangers at first, but eventually their curiosity will get the better of them and they’ll come over to check you out. Let them approach at their own pace and you’ll soon find yourself with a new best friend. They also love to climb and stand on high surfaces, so they’ll jump on you if they get a chance.”

Mia could only hope there were smaller goats somewhere that would be joining the class, because no way was she letting one of those milk-filled behemoths climb onto her back.

After she’d finished her orientation, Birdie started them out with some simple warm-up poses. Mia wasn’t a big yoga aficionado, but she’d been to enough classes that she was easily able to keep up.

While they were moving through a series of sun salutations, Antonio emerged from the barn again with a small flock of baby goats at his heels. Everyone gave up on their warrior poses to exclaim over the adorable little things, who capered around Antonio, acutely interested in the bucket he carried. He coaxed them all into the pen and closed the gate behind him, leaving the bucket outside.

There were a dozen kids of varying sizes, most of them barely knee height. They milled around, snuffling at the grass as Birdie introduced them all by name. Like the goats Josh had introduced Mia to before, she recognized most of them as belonging to novelists. By the time Birdie had gone through all the names, the goats had begun to wander among the yoga mats, checking out the students, submitting to pets, and—yes—pooping.

There were a few horrified squeals and peals of laughter as the first yoga mats were fouled. But everyone quickly got used to flicking the poo away, which seemed a small price to pay for the opportunity to commune with such adorable and friendly creatures.

They really were like puppies, Mia marveled, as one of the kids climbed into her lap, begging for attention. Slobbery, bitey, lovable puppies. Its little tail wagged as she scratched its head, and it anointed her with several pellets of poop.

Once the goats and people had all gotten used to one another, Birdie started the class back up, leading them through a series of poses designed to give the goats plenty of surfaces to jump onto. As the students assumed tabletop, downward dog, and cobra pose, Antonio moved among them, plying the goats with treats to encourage them onto people’s backs and behinds. There was a lot of laughter—a lot more laughter than actual yoga practice—but everyone seemed to be having a blast, including the goats.

Mia honestly couldn’t remember when she’d had so much fun or laughed so hard, which was exactly what she’d needed today.

Birdie ended the class by having everybody line up, side by side in tabletop pose, while she and Antonio coaxed all the goats to leap from person to person along the ridge formed by their backs, and then underneath them through the tunnel made by their arms and legs. After that, everyone was given a handful of goat treats to dole out and an opportunity to cuddle the goats for the next ten minutes until the hour was up.

“Guess I don’t have to ask if you enjoyed yourself,” Birdie commented, joining Mia after the last of the students had been pried away from the goats.

Mia looked up from the goat she was cuddling. Her name was Zadie, and she was Mia’s favorite. “I have to admit I was skeptical, but it was so much fun.”

“Yeah, there’s something to it.” Birdie smiled. “Gives you a real serotonin release.”

“I guess I should probably say goodbye to this little one now.” Mia picked Zadie up and gave her a hug. The little goat snuggled into her and then proceeded to pee all over her chest.

Mia yelped as warm goat urine soaked into the front of her yoga top. She held Zadie away from her, but the damage had already been done.

“Oh dear.” Birdie covered her mouth to smother a laugh.

Antonio didn’t bother to hide his amusement. “She really must like you.”

“Great.” Mia set the goat down and examined her pee-covered top.

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