The Effing List - Cherise Sinclair Page 0,70

front to keep the shoulders from falling. “SPANK” was printed on one side of the V-neck, “ME” on the other. Below the neck were the words: “I’ve been good.”

“Valerie.” Zuri fanned herself. “If you wear it in here, you won’t be able to sit down for a week.”

“I think that’s the idea.” Natalia snickered. “Let me know how it works out for you, okay?”

“Absolutely.” Valerie tucked the top back in the bag. If she wore tight jeans, she could knot the shirt at the waistband and—

“See, I told you she was here.” Kahlua’s shrill voice stabbed into her ears. “A hag in a bag, right? A fat toad carrying a wide load.”

Valerie stiffened and almost groaned. Barry was with his slave.

With Kahlua clinging to his arm, her ex stalked over. “Val, what the fuck are you doing here?”

Like she was any of his business? She forced a smile. “Ladies, this is Barry, my ex-husband. Barry, this is Natalia. And Linda. Master Sam belongs to her.”

Linda stifled a laugh, undoubtedly at the “belongs to” phrase.

Maybe the mention of influential Masters would keep Barry and Kahlua from being rude—at least to her friends. Valerie motioned to Zuri. “This is Zuri. Master Alastair and Master Max belong to her.”

Oh dear, it seemed she’d left Kahlua out of the introductions. Oops.

“Good evening, Barry,” Linda said in a chill voice. She ignored Kahlua.

Natalia nodded, and Valerie felt a twinge of unhappiness at subjecting the shy young woman to Kahlua’s nastiness.

“Hi.” Narrow-eyed, Zuri studied the two…and Valerie felt a tremor of worry. Ghost had mentioned Sally, Rainie, and Zuri were known as the Terrible Trio. The brats.

“It’s good to meet you all,” Barry said dismissively and turned his attention back to her. “Why are you here?”

Seriously? “Why, I come for the food, of course. It’s excellent.”

A small sneeze came from either Natalia or Zuri. Linda had more control.

Barry’s face darkened. “Don’t give me that bullshit. You’re here for…for sex.”

“And what if I am?” Unable to help herself, she glanced at Ghost.

Kahlua followed her gaze and snorted scornfully. “You and the silver fox? Get real. He wouldn’t waste his time on a pity fuck.”

The dismissive insult penetrated Valerie’s armor and wedged in painfully.

Pulling in a breath, she tried to shake it off. Ghost had taught her self-defense, but she could hardly ram her knuckles into Kahlua’s throat. Not for a verbal attack.

Barry made a scornful sound. “You don’t belong here, Val. No one is going to play with you. I’d hate to think of our children knowing how desperate you are. Come, Kahlua.” Barry led his slave away.

She watched them head toward the back. I don’t care what Barry thinks of me. So why did it feel as if her self-esteem lay shattered on the floor?

“Man, your ex sucks and the woman? She’s one malicious piece of work.” Zuri’s brown eyes were full of sympathy. “Did you live with her?”

Unable to speak, Valerie nodded.

“I wouldn’t have lasted longer than a day.” Natalia shook her head. “I’m glad you’re away from them.”

Linda patted Valerie’s hand. “That’s exactly what I was thinking.”

Friends were a treasure. Valerie forced her voice to come out even. “Thank you.”

Tucking her new top back in the bag, she rose. “Since I’m here to play, I probably should pursue that part of the program.

“Are you hooking up with the Colonel later?” Linda asked.

“I…” Valerie glanced toward him.

Head inclined, Ghost had all his attention on the beautiful young submissive who’d knelt for him.

Feeling another stab wound cutting through her, Valerie flinched.

She had no right to be hurt. Ghost was allowed to enjoy whatever good…fucks…came his way. It wasn’t as if they had any commitment to each other.

She was the one who’d insisted there be no relationship. If he took the redhead up on her offer, it was Valerie’s own damn fault.

But this was why she’d tried to keep from getting involved. Because she never again wanted to feel like she was filled with jealousy. Feel so miserable she couldn’t even pull in a complete breath.

Like now.

Stupid, stupid Valerie.

“No, I rather doubt we’ll be hooking up,” she told Linda, trying to sound indifferent. The snap of a whip and a scream caught her attention—and provided the excuse she needed. Because leaving the club right now would feel too much like Barry and Kahlua had driven her away. But she couldn’t stand to stay here, attempting to ignore Ghost with the beauty. “I’m going to go check out the single-tail scene back there. Say hi to Sam for Copyright 2016 - 2024