The Effing List - Cherise Sinclair Page 0,48

the club rather than be a guard.”

Ghost raised an eyebrow. “Ben, I didn’t care if your vanilla ass got lured into the club. I was horrified you were planning to offer up your junk to the club’s most sadistic Domme.”

As Ben guffawed—and folded his hands over his groin—Anne snickered. “Why, what a lovely compliment, Colonel.”

Grinning, Ghost rubbed his clean-shaven jaw and told Max, “Back in Seattle, I was still in service and flying in and out of the sandbox, so I had a full beard and long hair. I don’t look the same now.”

“No wonder,” Max muttered.

Z frowned. “You weren’t still a team operator, were you?”

Because combat was for the young. “No. Back when I joined Special Forces, I was honored to lead a team for far longer than is allowed nowadays before getting dumped behind a desk. But, even as a desk jockey, I went overseas to check things out, so I kept my beard.”

He checked for Valerie and saw Linda had introduced her to Jessica—and all three appeared to be enjoying their conversation. Excellent.

“Ghost, I can’t stay long either,” Olivia said in her clipped British accent. “Could we do a quick security tour first?”

“Of course.” Ghost considered her expression. He’d always considered her at least a friendly associate, but the last couple of times he’d seen her, she’d been quite cool. Damned if he knew why.

“Why are the two security systems different?” Ghost asked Z.

“The club’s older system has been in place for years.” Z said. “When Sophia was born, an old friend who owns Demakis International Security installed one for the third floor and grounds as a baby present.”

Jessica laughed. “So many people were interested in the system that Simon opened an office here and stole Olivia away from where she worked. This summer, her crew will upgrade the club’s system to match this one.”

“We do need to get going,” Z said. “Thank you for moving in here, Finlay. I hope you enjoy the place; we had many happy times here.”

Ghost believed it. The quarters felt as if they’d been filled with love. “I’m glad you found a house that suits your growing family.”

Reluctantly, he set Sophia down.

Rather than letting Z pick her up, the toddler beamed and trotted over to pat Valerie’s leg. “Hi.”

Laughing, Valerie bent to shake her hand. “Hi to you.”

“Hug.” Sophia held her arms up in a demand no one in the world could possibly deny.

“Anytime you want, sweetie.” Valerie picked her up and received a neck-squeezing hug with a big kiss on the cheek.

Anne, the sadistic mistress who still terrified Shadowlands submissives actually whined. “I didn’t get a hug.”

As the rest of the Masters teased Anne, Sophia babbled to Valerie about her day.

The professor seemed to understand every garbled word…and answered appropriately.

“Amazing.” Jessica shook her head. “She’s been going through a shy phase, especially with women. Are you wearing some child-attractant perfume, Valerie?”

Valerie touched foreheads with the little girl, making her break into peals of laughter, then smiled at Jessica. “For some reason, children seem to like me.”

“Now, why would that be?” Z murmured and lifted an inquiring eyebrow at Ghost.

Ah, Z hadn’t met her. Ghost lowered his voice. “She feels like sunshine and peace. Of course, children like her.”

“Indeed.” Z moved forward. “Sophia, we need to return home so you can show Galahad where his food is.”

“Kitty,” Sophia explained to Valerie.

“Yes, it’s good to make sure kitties eat on time,” Valerie agreed.

Z took his daughter, set her on his hip, and held his hand out to Valerie. “Valerie, I’m Zachary Grayson, Sophia’s father. It’s good to meet you.”

She shook his hand. “And you.”

Laughing, Max said, “What he’s not saying, darlin’, is he’s the owner of the Shadowlands.”

Valerie’s eyes widened. “Oh. Well, you have a fine club and a wonderful daughter.”

Z chuckled…and released her hand. “Thank you. I’m sure with Ghost in charge, the club will be even better soon.”

Turning back to Ghost, Z rested a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you again for taking over management—and the quick move.” He glanced at Valerie. “Very accurate assessment.”

Ghost smiled at the psychologist’s agreement—sunshine and peace.

As Z left with his family, Linda started introducing Valerie to people.

Ghost turned to Olivia and motioned toward the stairs. “Shall we?”

“Yes, let’s get this over with.”

Upstairs, she showed him the security panel, went through the codes, and displayed the log. “Recently, there have been a couple of alarms, although the police drive-bys showed nothing. Also, a security camera near the pool went offline. I’d like to see which Copyright 2016 - 2024