The Effing List - Cherise Sinclair Page 0,36


Colonel, don’t get carried away.

Yes, the tug of desire was there, the urge to let this be more than an enjoyable scene and evening.

However, it wasn’t fair to ask a submissive anything after flooding her with endorphins. He could wait.

After a while, Valerie cleaned up in the tiny bathroom as her body hummed with satisfaction. She already felt the loss of Ghost’s rough, callused hands on her skin. How could his touch turn her willpower into jelly?

Was it the easy authority he wielded? Or the confident grip? Or the pain… She checked the mirror to see the red marks on her butt.

Was it utterly weird she wanted to show them off?

By the time she’d dressed, Ghost had wiped down the equipment and was stowing away the cleaning supplies.

“I could have helped,” she protested.

The way his smile lit his green eyes was amazing. “I’m used to it.”

“You’re a Dom. Shouldn’t the submissive do the cleaning?” Because she wanted to. Totally wanted to do something, anything, for him.

Tucking an arm around her, he guided her out the door, flipping a “check room” light switch.

“Not always. We sadists enjoy turning our victims into quivering messes who aren’t up to anything more demanding than sitting on the floor.”

Valerie stopped short. “Really? You didn’t do that to me.”

“We don’t know each other well enough, and you’re still new to pain.” His smile deepened. “I’m not sure if your expression is of hopefulness or worry.”

She wasn’t sure either. Her legs still felt like jelly, and her muscles like boiled noodles. What would she do if he gave her…more?

As they continued down the stairs, he held her close enough she could feel he was limping. “Are you all right? Did you hurt your leg?”

“I’m fine. The limp is nothing new. I lost my lower leg in combat, and the prosthesis I’m wearing today doesn’t flex well enough for going down steps.”

“I…I didn’t know.” Then she winced. Her words had sounded rude. “I mean—”

“It’s all right, lass. It’s hardly a secret and rather obvious when I wear shorts.”

“Oh.” She shook her head. What does one say to someone who’d lost part of a limb? “I’m sorry, Ghost. I can’t imagine the adjustment that must have taken.”

“Life is full of adjustments.” He tugged her hair. “If you get angry with me, don’t kick my left leg, or you’ll break a toe.”

Her mouth dropped open, and a laugh escaped. “Thanks for the warning.”

At the foot of the stairs, he paused. “Can I talk you into a drink?”

Sorely tempted, she hesitated, then shook her head. “I need to get home. I have grading to do tomorrow.”

He snorted. “My students complain about their homework. They should see ours.”


He took his arm from her waist and turned her to face him. “In that case, how about meeting me for lunch on campus this week?”

Everything inside her surged with happiness before her brain turned on and shut it all down.

She retreated a step, then met his eyes. “Ghost. I like you, and if I were at a different point in my life, I wouldn’t hesitate to agree. But right now, I’m not interested in anything other than…than what the kids call quick hookups. What we just did.”

Still holding her shoulders, he studied her, his thoughtful gaze drifting down her body and back.

She realized her arms were around her waist and forced them to her sides. “I’m sorry.”

“I am, too, Valerie,” he said softly. Bending, he kissed her gently. “Drive safe, then.”

Hell of a night, eh? From finding out about the damage Wrecker had done to the club, discovering the high schoolers, tossing the asshole manager out, and then…

Well, he’d never anticipated how much he’d enjoy being with Valerie.

He’d missed that sense of connection with a submissive during a scene.

With a sigh, he took a seat at the bar. He was ready to head out now, but he should give her time to leave so she wouldn’t feel he was stalking her.

She’d been honest with him—and damn, but he’d appreciated the way she told him how she felt and the straightforward way she met his gaze.

He shouldn’t have been surprised by her rejection. She was divorced, after all, and might even have been burned a time or two in past relationships.

Would she even be interested in a man who was missing part of his leg? Some people couldn’t deal with it. But she hadn’t seemed revolted.

He listened to the harsh dungeon music for a minute, preferring the baroque concerto playing in the Versailles room.

Damn, she’d Copyright 2016 - 2024