The Effing List - Cherise Sinclair Page 0,139

him the Viking god.

“Whoa, dude. Uh-uh, I’ve seen what happens when Z gets that expression—hell, speak of the devil.” Faster than George Washington had fled from New York, the Viking god exited the lanai.

“There was a quick retreat.” Chuckling, Z settled into the chair Saxon had emptied. “One does have to wonder why our Saxon hasn’t found the right woman.”

Nolan barked a laugh.

“No, one doesn’t.” Ghost shook his head. “I’m content being club manager, Grayson. I’m not stepping into your village matchmaker shoes.”

“Understood.” Amusement in his gaze, Z watched as Saxon disappeared into the gardens.

Ghost grinned, recognizing the look. The poor veterinarian was doomed.

Chapter Thirty-Two

From the brightness of the room, it was morning. Rolling over, Valerie reached out to the other side of the bed.


Her brows drew together. Although it was Monday, her summer school lecture wasn’t until this afternoon. Ghost wasn’t even teaching.

So, what happened to sleeping late—and making love?

I’ve been cheated.

Grumbling, she slid out of bed. The party had run late, and when she’d finally headed to bed, Ghost and Saxon had stayed out on the lanai, talking about the Shadowlands. She had no idea when her man had finally come in.

After a long yawn, she shook her head tentatively. Well, all right. She had no headache and no hangover. Ghost’s advice had worked. As she was heading in to bed, her protective Dom had reminded her to drink a glass of water and take aspirin.

Because he loved her.

As she picked up the clothing she’d tossed onto her dresser, she uncovered the planner she’d brought from her apartment.

Opening the book, she studied her effing list:

Fitness: She flexed her biceps. Her muscles had certainly worked well when punching Piers. Maybe she should feel guilty, but no…she still felt like a badass.

Friends: She smiled, thinking of how Linda and Olivia had shown up at her place to help. Of the Shadowkittens gatherings. Of the wonderful time she’d had last night.

Family: Wasn’t it funny how the mess with Barry had brought her and the children closer? Now, Finn was talking about taking her to Scotland to meet his mother and half-siblings. The thought of a bigger family was…nice.

Finances: Good enough and would improve when she let her apartment go at the end of summer. Because she was ready.

Fun: Got that one covered.

Friskiness…and Finn: She scowled. Those two items were definitely problematic. Her Colonel had taken himself right out of her bed this morning.

Well, she knew how to fix any lack of friskiness. Although Ghost had rescinded the naked-at-all-times rule a while back, she hadn’t forgotten the lovely side effects to a lack of clothing.

Smiling, she took a quick shower, then used the lotion from the spa. Ghost had enjoyed the scent of it so much she still had bite marks on her butt.

She tousled her hair, tossed it back, and strutted out into the living room.

“Colonel, I woke up and—” Her voice strangled in her throat.

It wasn’t Ghost who sat at the dining room table—it was Saxon.

The big blond Master had a cup of coffee in his hand. He lifted an eyebrow and took himself a leisurely perusal of her very naked body, then glanced at the kitchen where Ghost stood. “I must say, I’ve never seen a more attractive advertisement for giving up the single life.”

Oh gods. She gave Ghost an outraged look, saw his eyes crinkle, and fled back to the bedroom.

She fumbled for clothes in the dresser. Honestly, what did one wear after a total mess-up? She pulled on her briefs and was fumbling into a bra when Ghost came up behind her.

“Oh, now, I don’t think you need to put anything on just yet, lass.” He took the bra and tossed it on the bed.

“Stop it. You have company.” And didn’t that sound irritable?

“He’d already finished breakfast when you came out. He’s gone.” Ghost pressed a very thick erection against her ass. “You know what seeing you naked does to me, woman. There is a penalty for getting me into this condition.”

He gently bit the muscle at the top of her shoulder, then whispered in Arabic in his deep harsh voice, “And you knew what would happen when you waltzed out, showing me everything you own. Everything I intend to enjoy.”

“I think you’re mistaken.” The huskiness in her voice made the protest completely ineffectual. Because she had wanted exactly this.

“It’s time for some give and take.” He moved her a step toward the bed, murmuring, “You are going to take everything I give you, orgasm after orgasm, Copyright 2016 - 2024