The Effing List - Cherise Sinclair Page 0,135

back in Valerie’s arms, crying on her shoulder. Choking out broken words, “I’m sorry, Mommy.”

The world started to right itself.

“Jesus, Dad, that’s totally dick behavior,” Dillon snapped. “You fucking lied to us.”

“Your mom needs to come back to me,” Barry whined and swayed slightly. “You know how much I love her.”

Valerie studied him for a moment. His face was flushed, eyes slightly glazed. His words had been slurred. “You’re drunk.”

“What? It’s barely noon.” Hailey took a step back. “You are.”

Dillon crossed his arms over his chest. “So, where’s Alisha. And Kahlua? Jesus, there’s a name for someone who likes to drink.”

“Yes, Dad,” Hailey said. “I think we should meet your new women.”

“I don’t have any new—”

“Don’t bullshit us, Dad,” Dillon snapped.

Valerie sighed at how much like Barry his son sounded.

“Yeah, well, Alisha left when the cable company cut…” Barry’s voice trailed off, and he blinked.

Valerie sighed. He really was drunk.

“And Kahlua?” Hailey asked. Her expression turned cold as she realized how thoroughly he’d played them.

“Over there.” He motioned back where he’d come from.

Valerie shook her head. Of course, Kahlua had come. “She’s the blonde in the halter-top.”

“Fuck me,” Dillon muttered. “She’s our age—only I have better taste.”

Seeing she had been spotted, Kahlua smirked and strutted over, hips swaying like a metronome.

“Gag me,” Hailey whispered.

“Honey.” Kahlua latched onto Barry’s arm and shot Valerie a spiteful look. “These must be your wonderful children.”

The shrill voice was like fingernails on a chalkboard.

“Right.” Barry’s expression was uncertain. “Kahlua, my son, Dillon, and my daughter, Hailey.”

“It’s so good to finally meet you.” Kahlua gave them a wide smile.

Dillon shook his head. “I can’t say the same.”

When she scowled, he ignored her. “Dad. When I was sixteen, you told me alcoholism runs in our family, and it’d be better if I never drank. I believed you. Now, you’re sure setting a hell of an example of how alcohol can ruin a person.”

“What?” Barry shook his head. “What do you mean?”

“I mean drinking is fucking up your life. You’re an alcoholic, Dad, and you need help.”

“I need your mother,” Barry said stubbornly. “That’s what you’re supposed to be doing. Getting her back for me.”

Valerie’s heart almost broke. In the beginning of their marriage, he’d been a good father. A good husband. The middle hadn’t been awful, but then came a midlife crisis, stupid decisions, and drinking. “You don’t need a wife, Barry, you need Alcoholics Anonymous.”

Hailey stared at him. “After I was suspended in high school, you and Mom told me to consider who I hung out with. You said good friends would pull me up and help me be the best I could be—and bad friends would drag me into the gutter.”

She eyed Kahlua and scowled. “You should check the friends you’re keeping, Daddy, because from where I stand, you’re a manipulative liar and a drunk, and I’m ashamed of you.”

Barry’s face flushed with shock, then anger. His fist came up, but even as he took a step forward, he staggered. He realized Dillon was staring at his fist, and he stopped dead. “Fuck me. I’m drunk.”

“Hailey...” His voice wavered.

Crying in Valerie’s arms, Hailey shook her head.

Valerie glanced over at the other picnic table. Finn had his hand on Rom’s arm, keeping him there…and both men stood in front of Luca’s stroller.

“Jesus, Dad.” Dillon looked disgusted.

Barry’s expression changed, and he whispered. “What have I done?”

“Master,” Kahlua whined. “They’re just being pissy. Don’t listen to—”

He peeled her hands from his arm. “I’m…I’m going to stay with friends for a few days. It’s time for you to move out, Kahlua. Take all the alcohol with you.”

And he walked away.

Settling Hailey on the picnic table, Valerie hoped against hope Barry might return to the man she’d known.

Face reddening with fury, Kahlua watched her meal ticket leave. Then she charged at Valerie, shrieking, “You fucking bitch, this is all your fault, you old hag.”

Fingers in claws, she swung at Valerie’s face.

Automatically, Valerie blocked the arm, stepped, and…no. Rather than punching as Ghost had taught her, she smoothly tripped the woman, sending her to the soft ground.

The slave might have been a factor in Barry’s turning to alcohol, but she hadn’t forced him to drink. She was a horrible, vindictive person, but pounding her into the ground wouldn’t solve anything.

Kahlua pushed to her feet. “Bitch. You’re all assholes. All of you!” She staggered away, cursing them loudly.

“Holy shit, way to go, Mom,” Hailey said in awe.

Dillon stared. “Where did you learn to do that?”

From behind Valerie, someone cleared his throat.

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