The Effing List - Cherise Sinclair Page 0,115

made a high-pitched voom-voom-voom sound. “That’s what motorcycles with tiny motors sound like. All squeals and no power.” As everyone stared at her, she smirked and patted her crotch. “Just like some guys and their tiny equipment.”

After a shocked moment of silence, Natalia’s brothers and sisters, then the Shadowkittens, howled with laughter.

If her cousin had any comment, it was drowned out completely.

A second later, her brothers grabbed Tadeo and force-walked him out the door.

“I owe your brothers some drinks,” Olivia murmured in Natalia’s ear.

Even as the congratulations continued, the gallery owner put a red “sold” dot on another of Natalia’s paintings.

Chapter Twenty-Five

After ending her phone call, Valerie raided Jessica’s fridge and made up a tray with iced tea and some of the cookies people had brought. Such a light white kitchen with gray granite countertops and suspended chandeliers from the coffered ceiling.

Carrying the tray, she passed the family room. Cushy soft furniture and warm-hued Brazilian cherry wood flooring made the room cozy. Master Z’s mother, Madeline, was reading a picture book with her granddaughter.

On Madeline’s lap, Sophia enthusiastically mooed her accompaniment to whatever farm story they were enjoying.

Madeline looked up, her silvery-gray eyes the same disconcerting color as Z’s. “How is Jessica doing, Valerie?”

“She’s holding up well.” Valerie shook her head. “Considering how far apart the contractions are, it’s going to be a while.”

Poor Jessica. Being in labor…well, it sucked.

“Of course it will be.” Madeline’s mouth pursed. “I believe the designer of female bodies must have flunked out of the engineering program.”

Laughing, Valerie headed through the house to return to Jessica and Beth, her sandals tapping on the pale marble flooring.

In the glass-enclosed Florida room, the ceiling fan was assisting the breeze from the cranked-open tall windows

Valerie set the tray down on the marble-topped table and handed a filled glass to Jessica.

Beth accepted hers with a soft thank you, then frowned at a streak of mud on her forearm. “Whoa, I’m a mess.” The slender redhead had been working on a landscaping design for the yard and was still in her tank top and overall-shorts.

“I’d want you here, even if you were covered in mud,” Jessica said. “I’d go crazy if I didn’t have all of y’all here to keep me busy.”

When Jessica had whined at Master Z that she needed diversions, he’d recruited the Shadowkittens bunch. They were all taking turns to visit during the beginning hours of labor.

Valerie settled into a wicker chair next to Jessica and glanced around the room. “I like your sunroom. It’s very serene.” With all windows and white trim, the room was filled with light. The bright blue Mediterranean tile floor, foliage plants, and blue-and-white chair cushions added color.

“That was the plan.” With one hand on her belly, Jessica gave a short laugh. “I’m not sure it’s working today. I can’t believe I probably still have hours to go!”

“One moment at a time.” Valerie settled in the chair beside her. “You can get through this moment. Don’t look at the future.”

Beth nodded.

“Right. Thank you.” With a sigh, the blonde relaxed before drinking some tea.

“Was your call from one of your children?”

Recognizing Jessica needed a diversion, Valerie nodded. “My son, Dillon.”

“You have a boy and girl, right?” Jessica asked.

Valerie nodded.

“I don’t know what I’m having. We already have one girl, and Z’s never said if he wants a boy or girl.” Jessica’s eyes filled with worry. “What if he wants a boy? Guys always want boys, right?”

“I have a feeling Master Z will love whatever baby you two made,” Beth said. “No matter what sex.”

Valerie couldn’t give Jessica the same reassurance. Barry had been disappointed to not have two boys. “Z would probably want you to ask him rather than be knotted up with worries. At least, that’s Ghost’s preference.”

“Those two are way too much alike,” Jessica grumbled. “And now I’m going to have to ask him. Because you pointed it out.”

Valerie snorted. “Sorry.”

“Is your son all right, Valerie?” Beth asked.

“He is. He wanted to confirm he’ll come to dinner this Sunday. Both of my children will be there.”

Beth frowned. “Why do you seem worried?”

Jessica raised her eyebrows, her green eyes bright with interest.

“Because I plan to tell the kids I’m dating.” Merely the thought made Valerie tense, and she took a sip of her drink.

“Dating? Is that what it’s called?” Jessica sputtered a laugh. “You’re not going to say you’re living with a kinky sadist called the Colonel—and having hot sex every time you turn around?”

Valerie choked on her iced tea.

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