The Effing List - Cherise Sinclair Page 0,113

windshield repair service.

Arm around Valerie, Ghost backed away.

“Mama!” Natalia hugged an older woman who was babbling congratulations. The rest of the family was studying the people and paintings.

The two women close to Natalia in age studied one of her paintings, then read the tag. And exclaimed.

Ah, yes. Ghost had noted the gallery had gone for transparency and included the price on each info tag.

The two young men who weren’t in coveralls joined them. “The red dot means it sold. Damn, that one’s sold, too. Look at those prices!”

The men in coveralls went over. Their surprised exclamations didn’t hold the same tone of pride as the first group.

Valerie stiffened. “They didn’t realize she’s any good?”

Joining them, Olivia obviously overheard. “It’s partly denial because some of them don’t want her to be any good. The entire younger lot works for her uncle who owns some auto glass repair shops. Since she excelled in school, he’s pushing her to take accounting courses and deal with the licensing, taxes, employees—all of it.”

Frowning, Valerie studied Natalia. “She doesn’t seem as if an office job would make her happy.”

“She hates numbers. And managing people.” Olivia shook her head. “All she’s ever wanted to do is paint. To create. But they keep trying to shove her into a narrow little box.”

Ghost set his hand on her shoulder. “She escaped. With luck, tonight will make that clear.”

Unappeased, Olivia growled under her breath.

“I doubt she would want to lose her family, even if they don’t understand her. Although tonight might help.” Valerie nodded at Natalia’s mother.

Olivia followed her gaze, undoubtedly seeing the woman’s pride in her daughter. The mother smiled at Olivia.

Olivia nodded back and said reluctantly, “Some of them might have figured out how amazing she is.”

Valerie gave the Domme a sympathetic pat on the arm and pointed out, so very tactfully, “Isn’t it nice she has you to help set boundaries with them.”

After a second, Olivia chuckled. “There’s the difference between you and my Nats. You don’t have a problem with nudging someone in the right direction.”

Ghost smiled slightly and murmured to Valerie, “You really do have an amazing talent with people.”

“I know.” Her eyes lifted, holding a warmth for him alone. “But can I admit I love hearing you say that?”

Because her marriage had been a wasteland, empty of compliments and approval.

He kissed her forehead. “Both of you are excellent at management, but, after seeing Natalia’s paintings, I’d say she’s found her own way to steer people where she wants them to go.”

Because the shy submissive’s works were all about connection. To the world of nature—and to each other.

“I’m so proud of you. Did you see how many of your paintings are sold?” Natalia’s oldest sister whispered.

“I’m trying not to check,” Natalia confessed and hugged her, then her other sister and two big brothers. How cool they’d all dressed up. “I’m glad you came.”

She glanced at her uncle and his two sons and wished they’d stayed home. They were still dressed in their work coveralls.

She shouldn’t have been surprised or embarrassed by their disrespect.

But she was.

Hands stuffed in his pockets, Uncle Bartolo was checking out the room. “You got yourself a nice hobby, Nattie. But nothing you can make a living at, not like managing a business.” He gave her a patronizing look. “Get on back to the business classes so you can be of use to the company. To your family.”

Here? He was going to push his weight around here?

Smoldering resentment sparked into anger, and she tried to tamp it down. “No, thank you. This is what I do.”

“Yeah, then you’ll need a guy to keep you from starving.” Tadeo was the most obnoxious of her cousins. “Leonel still wants to date you, even if you are a fancy artist.”

She wanted to slap the smirk off Tadeo’s face. Her whole family knew she wasn’t interested in men. Knew she dated only women. Knew she was seeing someone.

And she was done with this bullshit.

“Actually, dating Leonel won’t be possible. Olivia and I are engaged.” She held her hand out to show her ring.

Her mother’s mouth dropped open, but Natalia’s sisters squealed and hugged her and admired her ring. And then her mother joined right in.

That was so very wonderful.

Her brothers managed to reach in to give her a squeeze, then one smiled over her shoulder. “Hey, Olivia. Congratulations, and um, welcome to the family.”

Olivia? Natalia spun and squealed. “You made it!” She launched herself, knowing her Mistress would catch her.

Arms closed around her, holding her tightly, Copyright 2016 - 2024