The Effing List - Cherise Sinclair Page 0,111

in our day, we enjoyed the kink parties, but now, we’re happy to play here.”

“Same,” Ghost agreed. He accepted the drinks from Josie with a quiet thanks. After putting a straw in the blue-hued Romulan ale, he held it to Valerie’s lips.

He wasn’t going to release her wrists? When she scowled, his mouth twitched with his amusement.

“You’re letting your subbie glare at you?” In a gray, hooded Vulcan robe, Nolan helped Beth—who wore a skintight T’Pol catsuit—onto a stool, then took the one beside her. “Sets a bad example for the newbies.”

Ghost huffed a laugh. “I’ll tug on her leash for every second of disrespect.”

Oh spit, not the leash.

Valerie slapped on such an angelic expression that angels probably circled her haloed head.

“Nice.” Nolan slapped Ghost’s shoulder and grinned at Beth. “I’m liking the potential of those chains—and clamps.”

Beth gave Valerie an appalled look before saying in the sweetest tone, “My wonderful, kind Master of the Universe would never want his ever-so-respectful submissive to endure such pain.”

The mean-looking Dom had a great laugh. “Nice try, li’l rabbit.” He glanced at Ghost. “When you get a chance, email me where you bought them.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

The mild evening air held hints of coffee and cigars, garlic and onions, and Ghost pulled in another deep breath. The historic district of Ybor City was much like New Orleans’ Bourbon Street. Done Cuban style.

“The school year is almost over.” He smiled down at Valerie.

“Tomorrow. Finally. I’m looking forward to the break before summer school starts.” Her face went soft as she added, “And I’ll have time to spend with the children—and Luca.”

“Did Dillon get back?” Her son had spent a few months setting up a manufacturing plant in China.

Her face lit up. “I forgot to tell you. He texted yesterday he was back. And planned to spend a few days recovering from jet lag and doing laundry.”

Ghost gave her a tug on her hair. “Knowing you, you’re dying to go stock his kitchen and do his laundry.”

“Well, mmm, yes?” Her expression was rueful. “But he’s very proud of his independence and being a man now, so I won’t.”

Ghost took her arm to bring her to a halt so he could watch her instead of the street. “Valerie, are you ever planning to tell your children about me? The two of us?”

“I… Yes.” She exhaled, then rested her forehead against his shoulder. “I’m being foolish, I know. I guess I’m scared at how they’ll react, since they still want me and Barry to get back together.”

He rested his hand on her nape, wishing he could fix everything for her. But this battle was hers to fight. “They might not give up their hopes until they realize you’ve moved on.”

“Which means my stalling is having the wrong effect.” Straightening, she smiled up at him. “You’re right. I need to stop being a coward and let them know.”

“You’re not a coward, lass, merely cautious.” Because her asshole parents and husband had ripped her loving heart open. Her children had damned well better not do the same.

“They’re good children. They’ll understand.” She bit her lip for a moment. “I’ll have them over this weekend and tell them about you. You’re going to be gone anyway.”

A bunch of his Special Forces buddies were gathering at Eglin Air Force base to celebrate a friend’s retirement from the service. Since it was over a six-hour drive, he wouldn’t be back until the wee hours Sunday night.

“I’m going to miss you, you know.” He dropped a kiss on the top of her head and started moving again.

“Me, too.” As they stepped off the curb to cross the street, she eyed his leg. “How does your new prosthesis feel? You’re not limping today.”

Rather than being embarrassed she noticed when he limped, he appreciated her concern. “The microprocessor and hydraulic ankle make it better on stairs and rough ground. It’s heavier than a basic carbon foot, though.”

“But you like the zing of cutting-edge technology.”

“Well, yeah, I’m a guy.” He grinned at her huff of laughter.

Inside the art gallery, he picked up a flyer about the four emerging, modern-impressionist artists. “Despite being Tuesday, they’ve drawn a good crowd.”

“Natalia must be so excited.” Valerie studied the milling people. “I hope there are more collectors than family and friends.”

He spotted discreet “Sold” tags on many of the paintings. “I don’t think you need to worry.”

“Worrying is listed somewhere in the “friend” manifesto.”

“Then it’s good you have that item covered.” He gazed down at her. “You know, I rather like the Copyright 2016 - 2024