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that something terrible had happened.

“Mama, what are you doing?” she asked, looking frightened. She had never seen her mother look like that. There was raw terror on her face. Beata had always feared this day would come, and now it had.

“We're leaving. Give me anything you want that will fit in this one case.” Her hands were shaking while she packed.

“Why? What happened? Mama… please …” Without even knowing why, Daphne started to cry. Her mother turned to look at her then, and the compounded griefs of twenty-five years showed in her eyes.

“I was born Jewish. I converted to marry your father. No one knew. I've kept it a secret for all these years. I didn't mean to, but once they started going after the Jews, I had to. I saw a woman at the bank last week who knew me when I was young. She called out my maiden name across the bank lobby. When I went back today, they had closed my account. We have to leave now. I think they're going to arrest us …”

“Oh, Mama… they can't …” Daphne's eyes filled instantly with panic and shock.

“They will. Hurry. Pack. I want to leave this afternoon.” There was desperation in her voice as Daphne tried to take it all in. It was a lot to swallow at one gulp.

“Where will we go?” She wiped her eyes, trying to be brave.

“I don't know. I haven't figured that out. Maybe we can stay with the Daubignys for one night, if they let us. After that we will have to work it out.” They could be on the run for years. But better that than caught.

“What about the convent? Can we go there?” Daphne's eyes were wide as she started putting random items into her suitcase. None of it made any sense. It was too much to absorb for a girl of sixteen, or anyone. They were about to leave their home, possibly for good. It was the only home Daphne had ever known. They had lived there since she was two.

“I don't want to risk Amadea or the nuns,” Beata said tersely.

“Does she know? About you, I mean.”

“I told her after Kristallnacht. They took my family then, and I thought she should know.”

“Why didn't you tell me?”

“I thought you were too young. You were only thirteen.” As she said the words, there was a knock on the door. The two women looked at each other in terror, and Beata looked her daughter in the eyes with unexpected strength. “I love you. Remember that. That's all that matters. Whatever happens, we have each other.” She wanted to tell her to hide, but wasn't sure if that was the right thing. There was a frantic knocking on the door again, as Daphne stood there and cried. This was the worst day of her life.

Beata tried to regain her composure and walked to the front door. When she opened it, there were two soldiers and an SS officer standing there. It was all that she had feared. Now she wanted to tell Daphne to hide, but it was too late. She was standing in the bedroom doorway watching them.

“You're under arrest,” he said in a terrifying voice. “Both of you,” he said, glancing at Daphne. “As Jews. Your bank reported you. Come with us now.” Beata was shaking from head to foot, and Daphne screamed.

“Daphne, don't,” Beata shouted to her. “We'll be all right.” She turned back to the officer then. “May we bring anything with us?”

“You may bring one suitcase each. You are being deported.”

Beata had already packed the bags. She went to get hers, and told Daphne to bring the bag they had just packed in her room. Daphne looked completely panicked as her mother took her in her arms and held her tight.

“We have to do this. Be strong. Remember what I told you. I love you. We have each other.”

“Mama, I'm so scared.”

“Come now!” the officer shouted, and sent the two men to get them. A moment later, Daphne and Beata were escorted out of the house, carrying their bags, their fate and destination unknown.


THE PRIEST FROM BEATA'S PARISH CAME TO SEE THE Mother Superior at the convent two days later. He had heard it from Beata's maid, who had come to him in tears. She had been out when it happened. The neighbors had told her what they'd seen. He thought Amadea should know. He wasn't sure why they had been taken, but he knew they had. Copyright 2016 - 2024