Echoes Page 0,59

there was someone who wanted to meet them, and she was coming that afternoon.

“Who is it?” Amadea asked with only minor interest. She had a test at school that day. She had stayed up late to study the night before, and she was tired. She was an exceptional student.

Beata hesitated for a beat. “Your grandmother,” she said, as both girls' eyes grew wide.

“I thought she was dead,” Amadea said suspiciously, no longer sure which story was the truth.

“I lied,” Beata confessed. “When I married your father, France and Germany were at war with each other, and people felt strongly about it. Both our families did. Papa and I met in Switzerland, when we were on vacation with our parents. And my father wanted me to marry someone else. Someone I didn't even know.” It was hard explaining it all to them now, their lives were so different. But they were riveted by what she was saying. It was not easy finding the words, or explaining what had happened so long ago. “Neither of our families wanted us to marry, because Papa was French, and I was German. We knew we'd have to wait until after the war, and even then it wasn't likely they'd approve. We were crazy and young, and I told my father I wanted to marry Papa, and would no matter what. He said that if I did, he would never see me again. Papa was wounded and waiting for me in Switzerland, and his cousins said we could live with them and be married. So I left, which was a very headstrong thing to do, but I knew I was right. I knew what a good man your father was, and I never regretted for a minute what I did. But my father has never seen me again, and he wouldn't let any of my family see me. Not my mother or sister or brothers. All my letters to them came back unopened. He never let my mother see me or speak to me again. I saw her somewhere the other day.” She did not tell them it was at the synagogue, because she didn't think they needed the added complication of knowing they were part Jewish. It would only confuse them. Or perhaps even put them in danger at some point, given Hitler's feelings about Jews. “When I saw her I gave my mother our phone number and address. She called last night, and she wants to see you. She's coming here today after school.” It was simpler than she had feared. Both her daughters were staring at her in disbelief.

“How could he be so mean?” Amadea asked, looking outraged. “Is that what Papa's family did, too?”

“Yes, it is. They hated the Germans, as much as my family hated the French.”

“How stupid. And how mean.” Amadea's heart went out to her. “Would you ever do that to us?” Amadea knew the answer before she said the words.

“No, I wouldn't. But that was a long time ago, and it was an ugly war.”

“Then why didn't he see you afterward?” Daphne asked sensibly. Like her sister, she was a bright child.

“Because he's a stubborn old man,” Amadea said with rancor. Beata had forgiven him years before, and accepted what happened, though it had tormented her for years before she did.

“What about your sister and brothers?” Amadea asked, still shocked by what she had heard. “They're not dead either?” Beata shook her head. “Why won't they see you?”

“They don't want to disobey my father,” Beata said simply. She didn't tell them that her father had said she was dead.

“He must be horrible if everyone is so afraid of him,” Amadea said sensibly. She couldn't conceive of treating people that way. But her own father had been a very gentle man. “And Papa's family, too.”

“Your mama must be very brave if she wants to see us now. Will your father beat her when she goes home?” Daphne asked, looking worried.

“Of course not.” Beata smiled at her. “But she won't tell him she came here. He'd be too upset. And now he's old. So is she. I'm so happy she's coming to see us,” Beata confessed with tears in her eyes, which touched both her girls. “I've missed her so much. Especially since Papa died.” Amadea suddenly wondered if her yearly visits to the synagogue had anything to do with it, but she didn't want to ask. Her mother had been through enough. “I just wanted you to know before Copyright 2016 - 2024