Easy Kisses (The Boudreaux Series Book 4) - Kristen Proby Page 0,53

should stay. I’ll let you make that call.” He pats me on the shoulder and leaves the barn, and I immediately dial Todd’s number.

“Hey, mate.”

“I need to stay a while longer. Let’s take a look at the schedule.”

“You got it.”


“Are you sure you can stay?” Charly asks as we drive through the Quarter later that afternoon. She’s grinning, but her eyes look a bit guarded, as though she’ll get her hopes up and then I’ll crush them later.

“I’m going to stay for another two weeks,” I reply and smile when she shimmies in her seat. “And I take it that’s okay with you.”

“I was sad at the thought of you leaving,” she replies softly. “But I also don’t want to be greedy or needy and ask you to stay. I know you have a business and a life that isn’t here.”

A big part of my life is here.

“If you’re needy then so am I,” I reply honestly. “I enjoy you, Charlotte. I’m not ready to be away from you, and there’s no need to be. I can continue to work remotely. I also need to write my book, and I can do that anywhere.”

“Okay. As long as you’re sure.”

“You’re stuck with me, love.”

She smiles, and then looks over my shoulder and her eyes go wide. “Oh! I want to check this place out!” She pulls over and cuts the engine. “Kate has been in this shop and loved it. The owner came in my store a few weeks ago, and she’s just the sweetest thing. Do you mind if we go in?”

“Of course not. Let’s go.”

“Beau lives above this place, and Eli and Kate live next door.”

“Do they own the block?” I ask.

“Actually, they do,” she says with a smile and leads me in the shop. It smells like…well, all kinds of things. There are frilly soaps and lotions, herbs and oils.

A petite blonde is standing behind the counter, unpacking a box. She’s wearing a flowy sundress, humming to herself. She looks up with happy blue eyes when she hears the bell above the door.

“Charly,” she says with a smile. “What a pleasant surprise.”

“Hi, Mallory,” Charly says. “I have been meaning to stop in, and we were just driving by. This is Simon.”

“Hello,” Mallory says and nods.


“What are you in the market for?” Mallory asks and sets the box aside. There’s suddenly a loud thump from upstairs.

“What is Beau doing up there?” Charly asks with a frown. “Wait, he’s usually at work right now.”

“He’s not up there,” Mallory confirms. “It’s Miss Louisa.”

Charly stops cold. “He has a woman living with him?”

“No. Well, not a living woman, anyway. Miss Louisa has been here for about a hundred years.”

I wrap my arm around Charly’s shoulders. “So it’s haunted then,” I reply.

“Oh, yes,” Mallory says with a nod. “It’s hard to find a place around here that isn’t. This is New Orleans, after all.”

“Have you seen her?” Charly asks, looking up to the ceiling. She shivers and leans into me.

“Several times, but she doesn’t show herself often. I’m sure your family hasn’t seen her, but they may have heard her. I know Beau has because he’s constantly accusing me of making the noise.”

“What does he say when you explain that it isn’t you?”

“Charly, I’ve never met your brother in person, but he doesn’t seem like the type to believe in ghosts.”

Charly laughs beside me and shakes her head. “You’d be right. Is he giving you a hard time?”

“He’s just difficult now and then. He’s nothing I can’t handle.”

She pushes her blonde hair over her shoulder and winks, and I believe she can handle just about anything thrown at her. There’s an air about her that’s just a little…different.

“Ah, but you believe in ghosts, don’t you, Mr. Simon?”

“I’m from England, darling. Of course I do.”

She nods.

“Do you see ghosts often?” Charly asks, shivering again at the word. Mallory smiles, but her eyes are sober.

“I like you, Charly. I don’t want to scare you off with paranormal talk.”

“You won’t scare me off. I like you too,” Charly says.

“Well, I do see things quite often that can’t really be explained by science. I see Miss Louisa about once a month, and there’s plenty to see in the Quarter in general.”

“Does Miss Louisa talk to you?”

Charly shivers again.

“No, she just looks sad. I don’t ask her questions, I just smile and let her know that she’s safe here.” Mallory takes Charly’s hand and frowns suddenly. “You’re terrified, honey.”

“No, I’m not.”

“You’ve seen some things,” Mallory says, surprising me.

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