Earth Husbands are Odd (Earth Fathers #2) - Lyn Gala Page 0,67

pulling,” Rick said.

“I need you to talk to me and tell me you’re okay,” Max said.

Rick blew a raspberry. “I have no ability to think logical thoughts when you pull my tentacles.”

“Then I am going to pull your tentacles more often. However, I need some reassurance that what I’m doing is good, and you don’t need to be logical.”

“You should demonstrate.” Rick pounced on Max, curling tentacles around his arms and pushing Max back onto the bed. Before Max could formulate a plan to counter-attack, Rick tugged on Max’s arm. For a half second, Max was eye to enormous eye with Rick, and then Rick braced other tentacles on Max’s torso and pushed.

“Oh yeah.” Max’s shoulder popped and muscles stretched. “Fuck yeah. More.”

Rick pushed until Max was turned partially on his side, a tentacle braced against his ass. Max wiggled, and Rick pulled on his leg and arm at the same time. Max arched his back and groaned.

“Is that positive or negative feedback?” Rick asked as he eased the pressure.

“Positive. I think you popped my back, and that feels glorious.” Max used Rick’s temporary distraction to counter-attack, tugging the tentacle that was wrapped around his wrist. Max put his back into it and strained. Rick shimmied with pleasure, releasing his hold over Max. Then several of his tentacles stiffened before turning to jelly. Max had found the sweet spot. He jerked the tentacle again, and Rick made an unfamiliar gargle-grunt. “Do you like that?”

“Fuck yeah, positive feedback. More.” Rick echoed Max’s earlier words. Awww. Max had taught his sweet little octopus to swear.

Max reached for a shorter tentacle. The minute he caught it, the red tip curled around his wrist and Rick shivered. “Tell me if I am close to hurting you.”

“I do not have illogical joinings of bones to make weakness.”

Max experimented by jiggling the tentacle he was holding. “How does that feel?”

“Jerky movements are more odd than pleasurable,” Rick said. And he sounded much more coherent, which meant Max was going in the wrong direction. He wanted to drive Rick to the point that he couldn’t form rational thoughts. He pulled the tentacle, but Rick countered with a sneak attack. The tentacle under Max’s back caught Max’s wrist and yanked it. Max lost his hold on the tentacle he’d captured.

Rick pushed Max’s hip away while tugging his arm closer. It meant Max was twisted oddly on the bed, but his back was getting the best stretch ever. “Fuck yeah,” he said with a groan. Tensions that had set into his bones leaked out every pore. “Do the other side,” he begged.

Rick crawled over Max, his weight leaving Max breathless for a second before he slid over to the other side. Then Rick repeated the push-pull-twist maneuver on the other side. Max’s spine crackled and he groaned in pleasure. Knots he’d had since college all melted away. “Hell yes.” Max grunted when Rick curled a tentacle around his thigh. With the walking tentacle firmly in the small of Max’s back, Rick stretched Max’s right arm and leg, making his spine crack.

Max turned his body over to Rick’s care. “Oh fuck yeah.” He sighed the words as his muscles yielded. Shivers travelled up his spine and Max’s eyes fell closed as Rick manipulated him. Time slid past as Rick rolled him around the bed, and Max was too blissed-out to care. When Rick finished stretching Max’s last finger, Rick settled on top of Max, resting against Max’s sweaty shoulder. Max had no idea why he was sweating because Rick had done most of the work. However, he was too relaxed and comfortable to care.

“Did you enjoy—?” more whale song.

Max thought about it for a second. He considered massage, but there was more muscle work involved, and he had stretched in ways that didn’t match that idea. He said, “Sexy yoga. That was very, very sexy yoga.” Max groaned as he tried to shift his ass over an inch. His muscles protested that he was too loose and relaxed to move.

“Did you enjoy sexy yoga?”

“I loved it,” Max said. He had never enjoyed intimacy without his dick getting involved, and he had been missing out. “Did you enjoy it?” Max felt a niggle of worry that he had not been very good at pulling tentacles. He was more the pullee.

“It’s grrrrreat!” Rick trumpeted in a good imitation of a cartoon tiger. He was watching too much television, and coming from Max, that was saying something. Rick stroked Max’s side, his tentacles warm against Max’s skin. “Humans and Hidden ones are exceptionally compatible.” Rick settled in against Max . He was an island of heat as the rest of Max’s body cooled.

“You and I are compatible, that’s for sure. But I feel guilty because I gave up pulling on your tentacles somewhere in the middle.”

“That always happens,” Rick said. “I don’t often win, but I like to win.”

Max pried one eye open. “Win? What did you win?”

“I won the—” whale song.

“You won? I didn’t know it was a competition.”

Rick trumpeted. “You tried to win.”

“I did not.”

“Did too.”

Max smiled and curled his arm around the closest bunch of tentacles.

Rick slid tentacles down Max’s body and between his legs, but Max was too damn relaxed to get hard. He had never thought that was possible, especially not when he was in bed with Rick. He had a real thing for his minty-green octopus. “So,” Max paused to kiss the tentacle that teased his lips. “What was I trying to win?”

“You hoped to pull my muscles until I was too full of pleasure to move.”

Max chuckled. “True enough. And instead, you did that to me.”

“Point!” Rick said, his voice full of joy. “I won. I almost never win. And I did not realize humans were competitive in same way as Hidden ones were competitive.”

“You can win with me any time,” Max said. “But right now, I am too tired to talk.” He let his eyes drift closed again. He had never been so relaxed in his whole life.

“Because you are compatible with Hidden ones. I am sorry you do not have a place for putting genetic material, but I enjoyed producing inseminating fluids.” And that was a smug voice.

“You... haven’t you come in the past?” Max asked. That disturbed him.

Rick blew raspberries against Max’s shoulder. “We played at egg implantation. Egg implantation does not produce inseminating fluids. I enjoy greatly egg implantation, but I also enjoy greatly pulling tentacles, and being the one to produce inseminating fluids was unanticipated joy. I enjoy all roles of sexual reproduction with you, even when we are not reproducing.”

“Me too.” Max rolled onto his side and threw an arm around Rick’s torso. “Definitely.”

They lay as the lights automatically dimmed because of their inactivity. Max was almost asleep when Rick added. “I would also enjoy egg implantation without playing.”

Max waited for the shock or the distress at the idea of Rick putting more eggs in him, but that feeling never materialized. “Maybe later.” Max wanted to get his first set of kids settled first, and then they had to take Dee home and Max had to deal with Earth after they visited the Hidden world. They already had a full agenda, but the day might come when another egg implantation would be nice. But this moment was for the two of them. He tightened his arms around Rick and sighed when tentacles tightened around him in return. For now, this was all Max needed.

Also by Lyn Gala

Aberrant Magic




Echoes of Deviance

Mafia and Magics

Texas Charm



Claimings, Tails, and Other Alien Artifacts

Assimilation, Love, and Other Human Oddities

Affiliations, Aliens, and Other Profitable Pursuits

Expedition, Estimation, and Other Dangerous Pastimes

Earth Fathers

Earth Husbands are Odd (Coming Soon)





Bitter Blood


Two Steps Back

Clockwork Pirate

Earth Fathers Are Weird

Ends, Means, Laws and an Angry Ship Copyright 2016 - 2024