Earth Husbands are Odd (Earth Fathers #2) - Lyn Gala Page 0,65

look. “I know you did ROTC instead of OTS, but did anyone ever mention the part where you’re supposed to be a role model for the people you encounter?”

Max sniffed and shrugged one-shoulder style. “They mentioned something about ambassadors, but in my defense, they told me I had to represent Americans well, not Earthlings.”

Dee shook her head, her amusement evident.

“I take it you need a ride back to Earth.” Most of the good-will evaporated from Max’s heart. He had to go home—he had parents and a little brother back there in the chaos. But going back to Earth meant handling the prejudices of his own people. That was not Max’s happy thought for the day.

“It would be nice. Is Rick going that way?”

“Um, maybe. We can ask him.”

And Rick would say absolutely, and Max would have to figure out something to say to the Air Force. Well, he had to face his home world eventually. Max opened the door to the pool room. The computer interface table had been joined by a lower and larger table the family would use for shared meals, and that was where they were all waiting. Everyone except Rick. He was close to the door. When Max came in, Rick curled a tentacle around his wrist.

“Hey, everyone. You remember Dee. It turns out that I’ve scared everyone away from Earth and no one will give her a ride back home, not even with all the money the government gave her to apologize for their general shittiness.”

“Which was a lot, but that’s fair because it was a lot of shittiness,” Dee said with a smile. “It’s nice to see you folks again.” She smiled at Rick and then at the kids. They all watched, silent.

Max pulled Rick closer. “So, what do you say we give Dee a ride back to Earth?” After the fact, Max added, “Query.”

Rick’s tentacles curled. “Change of attitude toward Hidden ones is alarm for Hidden ones on Hidden planet. Change is unfathomable without unknown data.”

“Query. Do you want to go to Hidden planet and explain the changes to your people?” Max asked. He wouldn’t mind that... not a little. It would give him more time to figure out what he might say to his commanders... and his parents. He didn’t know how to introduce Richard and Velma Davis to their alien grandchildren.

“Hidden ones and unknown are not two great tastes that taste great together.” Rick’s tentacles were curling tighter by the second.

Dee gave Rick an odd look. Yep, that had pretty much outed them as having contact with Earth. However, Dee didn’t address that. “Hey, I thought I was going to die of old age out here, so if you can get me home to my family any time before never, that’s a good deal. I can wait.”

“Clarify deal. I require not compensation from Dee Friend of Max Husband. No deal.” That made some of his tentacles straighten back out.

“Dee uses the word deal in non-standard way to suggest gratitude,” Max said. “She is not suggesting compensation.”

“Nope, but I did bring a gift.” Dee put her bag onto the floor and dug around. When she stood, she had a box that made Rick’s tentacles go so straight that he gained several inches of height. Xander made a low bellow and Kohei started waving his tentacles. James actually dropped his food onto the table, where it rolled off and the slope of the floor sent it heading toward the water.

“Since a wedding gift is traditional and I can’t spend my settlement on a ticket home, I thought I would buy you guys a business translator.” She smiled as she held out the suitcase-sized object.

“Best present ever!” Xander shouted. Max couldn’t have agreed more.

Chapter Twenty-Three

As soon as the door to their private quarters closed, Max let out his breath. God, this had been the longest day ever, or at least the longest day in the last couple of months. However, now they were alone and they had the fancy new translator installed into the main computer. Dee knew how to gift right. He turned and looked at Rick. “Whatever will we do now?” Max asked in a teasing voice as he pulled his shirt off. He even threw in an eyebrow wiggle.

Rick rotated a few degrees. “We could do—” Rick’s suggestion ended in whale song. Having an improved translator didn’t mean perfect communication, and Rick didn’t get eyebrow semaphore.

“That didn’t translate. Can you describe what you mean?”

Rick began the explanation with whale song. “—is Copyright 2016 - 2024