The Earl of Morrey (The League of Rogues #13) - Lauren Smith Page 0,85

her lap. His sister’s grief shook Adam into action. He knelt by her and touched her shoulder.

“Shh, Caroline, it’s over now.”

She finally let go of John and stood up. Adam lifted his sister into his arms, and Letty carried the lantern. They began to walk out of the dark tunnels and into the moonlight to find Avery and the others.


Three weeks later

Christmas at Chilgrave was everything Letty had hoped it would be. The castle was full of friends and family. Boughs of mistletoe had been hung freely around the castle by the footmen, much to Mr. Sturges’s disapproval, since not only Adam was taking advantage of the mistletoe, but the staff members were as well. Greenery covered every surface and twisted around every banister and pole. Everywhere Letty turned, there was light and laughter.

She couldn’t believe that three weeks had passed since the king and Parliament had been saved. It had been a small miracle that Avery and the League of Rogues had escaped harm other than a few bumps and bruises during the scuffles in the tunnels with Lord Wilhelm’s men. They’d all been fortunate beyond belief which meant this Christmas was even more important to celebrate.

Once the king had been made aware of what had happened that night, everyone involved had been brought to Carlton House for a private audiencewhere King George had expressed his eternal gratitude.

But not everyone had come through those dark events unscathed. Caroline had become more withdrawn than ever, and Avery, too, had grown distant. They, more than anyone else, had lost much in the last few months.

In the ballroom at Chilgrave, Angus bowed before Letty. “Milady? May I have this dance?” He offered her a courtly bow, and she accepted with a giggle. It was easy to forget what had happened with John when Angus and Baird were around to tease her.

The ballroom at Chilgrave was full of couples lining up to dance. The hired musicians struck up a lively tune. She danced in circles with Angus until Baird captured her for the next wild, twisting dance. The two Scotsmen had called for a jig, rather than yet another of the sedate numbers the musicians had been playing for the guests, and this now put them in the path of the other dancers.

“Oi! Watch out!” Lucien barked as Baird trod on his toes. His wife, Horatia, laughed and guided her husband safely out of harm’s way. By the time the dancing paused for a brief break, Letty’s feet had grown sore. She had not seen Adam for most of the night, and as the evening’s festivities wore down, she began to worry. Adam had been distant the last few weeks. He’d been quiet, withdrawn, eating little and saying less. She found him on the terrace, looking out over the gardens in the courtyard.

“Adam, are you all right?” She shivered from the winter chill as she stood next to him.

He didn’t immediately reply. He appeared to struggle to speak. “I can’t stop thinking about that night. All this time, John was alive . . . I became someone I didn’t want to be in order to avenge him, and then I became his enemy.”

“What happened wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known what he was up to.”

“But why didn’t I see it? Why didn’t I know?” Adam looked toward her, and then she tucked herself against him, hugging one arm around his waist. “And if I had known, maybe I could have steered him off his dark path. Maybe—”

“You couldn’t have made him do anything he didn’t wish to do,” Letty said calmly. “He chose his own path.”

Adam drew in a breath and let it out slowly. “I wish you could’ve known me. Before . . .”

“Before what?” she asked.

“Before I became what I am now. I am no better than John.”

She turned to face him. “You’re wrong—you are better. The things you do? You’ve always been motivated by helping others, not hurting them. The man I stood beside in the tunnels, offering his life to save mine, that’s the man I love. You are a good man.” She leaned up on her tiptoes and pulled his head down for a kiss. He slowly began to kiss her back, but she could feel the pain and guilt in his kiss.

“Adam,” she whispered against his mouth.

He curled his arms around her waist and touched his forehead to hers.“Yes?”

“You must pull yourself out of this darkness. Do you understand? Not just for me, but for him.”

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