The Earl of Morrey (The League of Rogues #13) - Lauren Smith Page 0,4


James shot a startled glare at Adam, renewed worry and anger apparent in his expression.“What?”

“A misunderstanding. I thought she was the threat I’d been sensing. Then the real threat revealed itself and fired. That was the pistol you heard from the ballroom. Whoever took that shot, they saw your sister’s face clearly and likely knew that she’d been talking to Lady Edwards.”

“Christ.” James began to pace the floor of the retiring room. Then he looked at his sister again. “Letty, I’ve never asked you to obey me for any reason, but that changes tonight. You must trust me now when I say you will marry Morrey. All will be explained to you when it’s safe.”

“James, you cannot ask this of me—please. It isn’t fair. You know what I want, and this isn’t it.” It was such a soft plea, a little sister asking her older brother for his love, his trust, his protection. Adam watched in dread as James had to deny his sister what she needed by a simple shake of his head. No decent brother could form words to deny such a plea, and James was a good brother. All he could do was deny her with his actions.

“Yes, it is unfair,” Adam agreed, turning Letty’s attention away from her brother. “And for that I’m sorry, Lady Leticia, but it must be done. Do not blame your brother for this. It is my fault. I bear the blame for it.”

“No.” She shook her head violently. “How can I marry you? I barely know you!”

“Many couples marry knowing each other for less time than we have,” Adam said, keeping his tone gentle. It was clear Letty was still in shock.“Pembroke, allow me to have a moment with her.”

“I should stay.” James’s overprotectiveness would have amused him at any other time.

“Just a moment is all I need.”

“Very well,” James allowed. “But only a moment. My sister has been through enough tonight. I would like to get her safely home before more daggers or pistols come into play.” He stepped outside.

Adam grasped Letty’s hips again, pulling her toward him. The blue silk of her gown was soft beneath his palms, filling him with desire.Yet she wasn’t affected the same way he was. She was trembling, though he could hardly blame her under the circumstances.

“I will explain all that has happened tonight when I can, when it’s safe. Pleaseknow that I’m sorry for how this came about. I will be a good and loyal husband to you. I swear it upon my life.”

Tears gathered in her lovely dark-brown eyes. He reached up and brushed one away.

“Do not cry, please,” he begged. “It will be all right. I promise.”

Then he stole a soft, lingering kiss from her lips. The sort of kiss he wished he’d given her that first time. She went still in his arms, but not stiff with terror as she had been earlier. He nuzzled her cheek and held her close. The poor innocent creature, barely twenty, a full decade younger than him, was to have her life upended all because she’d sought to help Lady Edwards fix her hair. When he moved his face back to look down at her, all he saw was dazed confusion.

“There, there,” he said, his natural need to comfortintensified for this beautiful young woman.

“Do you wish to marry me?” she asked him.

“I had no thought to marry. Not in a long while. But I am glad it will be to you.” It was the truth. He had abandoned the idea of such things the night John had perished. But now Letty had need of his protection,and this was the only way he could be there to protect her at all hours. He felt like a bastard for having a small flare of happiness that a beauty with such a soft heart would be his.From the moment he’d laid eyes upon her, he’d had a fleeting rebellious thought that she would have made him a wonderful countess. Now she would be his countess, and he could not shake his sudden excitement and gratitude at the thought.

“Lord Morrey—” Letty began, but the door opened, and her brother came back inside.

“I have your cloak, Letty. We need to leave. I found Gillian. She’s waiting out front.” James held up a cream-coloredcloak lined with blue silk that matched her blue-and-gold gown. Letty allowed her brother to slip it over her arms, and she buttoned it up with trembling hands.

“Pay a call on us tomorrow, and we’ll discuss the Copyright 2016 - 2024