Dusk (Dangerous Web #1) - Aleatha Romig Page 0,47

or penthouse.

I knew that it was possible to redirect the elevator. I just thought it wouldn’t happen to me.

“What’s happening?” Lorna asked.

I took a deep breath. “Nothing. This will just take a minute.”

When the doors opened, Patrick was waiting. He looked as he always did, wearing a gray suit. That meant nothing. If he wasn’t in pajamas, he wore a suit. The man didn’t understand casual wear.

I didn’t speak to him. I sent my message in the form of daggers flying from my dark gaze.

“It will only take a minute,” Patrick said apologetically. “I’ll wait with Lorna.” He turned his eyes on her. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you. Um, I’m sorry you couldn’t come. I guess Mr. Sparrow doesn’t want too many of you in one place.”

I let out a breath. “Where the fuck is he?”

“Conference room four,” Patrick said as he continued his conversation with Lorna.

I turned on my heels, a million thoughts racing through my mind. The first was my resignation. I believed in everything Sparrow stood for, but I wouldn’t, I couldn’t allow him to undermine the one part of my life he couldn’t control. If Sparrow couldn’t handle that separation, then I couldn’t handle our connection.

I reached for the door handle on conference room four, not thinking about its size. It was where large meetings were held. We had conference rooms of all sizes. Four was the largest. As the door opened, I stopped.

I wasn’t an emotional man. One didn’t do what we did, live through what we’d done, and wear emotions on his sleeve. But at this moment, words failed me as the room blurred.

Quickly, I blinked away the moisture as I took in the room.

The conference table was gone. Chairs lined both sides in sets of two. There weren’t a lot present, but the ones that were there were filled. I recognized faces. There was Dr. Renita Dixon and her husband. Jana and her husband, Keaton and his husband, and Marianne and her partner were present. Apart from the doctor, they were our crew on most flights and their significant others. There were also others present who were considered trusted in the Sparrow organization.

At the front of the room, along with flowers and candles, was Sparrow, dressed as he did for Michigan Avenue. He wore a dark suit and tie.

I made my way to the front of the room. “I was about ready to tell you to shove—”

Sparrow stopped my word with a sad smile and a shake of his head. “I don’t give a fuck how you want to be married. But his sister deserves better than some sorry-ass courtroom.” He turned to the man at his side. “Reid Murray, this is Judge Bronson.”

I’d never met Judge Edward Bronson, but I was aware of him and his affiliation to Sparrow. He was a federal judge, a bit above performing weddings. Instead of saying that, I offered my hand. “Thank you, Your Honor.”

“I’m assuming you have your license?”

I tapped my suit coat. “I do. We filed last week.”

“That’s all we need.”

Someone near the door hit a switch and killed half the lights. The change made the candles in the front glow as music came from some unknown source. The guests stood.

And then the door opened.

I took a deep breath as Lorna came forward, escorted by my friend Patrick.

In her grasp was a bouquet of flowers. Unlike her dress, it was made up of an array of brightly colored flowers. I hadn’t thought of a bouquet. I didn’t know if it was Sparrow or Patrick, but whoever chose the arrangement, chose perfectly.

When Lorna came to a stop before me, the rest of the room faded.

I took her hands in mine as she passed her bouquet to Patrick. Granted, in his gray suit, he didn’t look the part of a maid of honor. Then again, in the Sparrow world, nothing looked exactly as it appeared, even the man to my side. Sparrow had self-appointed himself my best man, and as long as I didn’t give it too much thought, it too was exactly what was needed.

Less like a civil wedding and more like the one Lorna may have imagined, the Honorable Judge Bronson began. He talked of love and commitment. He asked for rings.

We had those.

And then he asked, “Do you, Reid Murray, take Lorna Pierce as your wedded wife? Do you promise to love, honor, and keep her only unto yourself for as long as you both shall live?”

Lost in her stunning green stare, I found

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