The Duke's Wife (The Three Mrs #3) - Jess Michaels Page 0,60

as she entered. Her breath caught. He was dressed in full formal attire, every part of him perfection. He was outrageously handsome, looked every inch the stern duke.

He smiled at her, and something in her relaxed. The fears melted, the worries gone. She moved toward him, toward her future and their life together. For the first time since they’d been caught in his parlor, she didn’t question herself. Whatever happened, it would work itself out.

The party, which had begun in the morning after the wedding was completed and ran far into the afternoon, was at last beginning to wind down. It had been a rousing success. Many influential people with titles had attended, offering congratulations to Nathan and Abigail. The Duke and Duchess of Abernathe had been chief among them, and Nathan had been warmed that the popular duke had also made a point to connect with Rhys and Pippa.

Somehow everything had seemed to work out. But now people were saying their goodbyes, tipsily making their way to their carriages to go home or to the next party. That left only Rhys and Pippa and Celeste and Owen, along with Ophelia. And, of course, Abigail.

It had been marvelous to watch her during this, her first day at his duchess. She had been remarkable. Welcoming and warm, easy with the staff, the center of the room and not just because she was the bride. There was just something about her that made people want to be near her. She saw the essence of those around her, she made them comfortable.

Except for him, of course. She never made him comfortable. Only he liked that. He liked sparring with her, especially when it wasn’t too serious. He liked that she challenged him.

She moved toward him with an expression of confusion. “You are staring at me so intently, I must wonder if I’ve something on my face,” she said as she reached him.

He shook his head. “Nothing at all. I was just thinking how well it went today.”

“Yes,” she breathed. “I couldn’t believe it. People were…joyful for us. Your whisper campaign worked. They all believe we have some love story for the ages. It will ease everything.”

He nodded. “Good. I want things to be easy for you, Abigail. I know they haven’t often been.”

She stiffened slightly. He felt her drawing away with that statement. “I suppose I meant more for Ophelia.”

“What about me?”

They turned to find Ophelia had slipped behind them, her expression unreadable. He’d watched his sister throughout the day, as well. She’d been observing Abigail closely and every once in a while he’d seen just a hint that she was impressed with his new wife.

“We were just discussing how well the party went,” Abigail said. “You were such a help today and I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate it.”

Ophelia blinked. “I…thank you, Abigail. You did wonderfully, I must say, under what I know were trying circumstances.”

Abigail’s blush said how much the hard-won compliment meant to her. “Thank you. Er, you looked like you had a nice time.”

Ophelia nodded slowly. “I did, actually. I reconnected with some old friends and got to spend some time with a few new ones.” She glanced at Rhys, Pippa, Celeste and Owen with a wink. “In fact, Rhys and Pippa have been kind enough to invite me to stay with them for two days, and I’ve accepted that lovely offer.”

“Stay with them?” Nathan said, glancing at the pair. “Why?”

“We thought you might want some time alone as newlyweds,” Rhys said.

Once again, Abigail shifted, as if the topic made her uncomfortable. She was forever looking for material to build a wall. And he shouldn’t have cared so much about that fact.

“That is kind,” Abigail said at last, her cheeks brightening to pink.

“Well, consider it my wedding gift,” Ophelia said as she leaned up to kiss Nathan’s cheek. She pivoted to Abigail and for a moment the two women simply looked at each other. Then Ophelia reached out and squeezed her hand briefly. “Congratulations, Your Grace.”

Abigail laughed. “I’m still getting accustomed to that.”

“And now we should leave the happy couple to their peace,” Celeste said. “Why don’t the rest of you join Owen and me for supper tonight?”

“That sounds delightful,” Pippa said as she caught Rhys’s arm. The crowd of them moved toward the door, talking and laughing.

The final goodbyes were said and the carriages loaded and then they were off. Nathan and Abigail stood beside each other on the step, waving them into the increasing Copyright 2016 - 2024