The Duke's Wife (The Three Mrs #3) - Jess Michaels Page 0,41

and risk any more of herself than she already had.

“You’ll win your pound back,” she said with a smile.

He choked out a laugh and then nodded. “That, my dear, is a bargain.”

She extended a hand for them to shake on the deal. He took it, but tugged her close instead. Close enough that her chest brushed his, that his breath warmed her skin. He bent his head and his mouth was on hers again.

Despite the fact that they had kissed before, that they would be married soon, that she wanted his mouth on hers, it was still a surprise whenever he did it. As shocking as the first time it had happened; as potent, too.

He was gentle this time, his mouth almost feather-light against hers. She wanted more and lifted into him, parting her lips to welcome him. He took slowly, too slowly, almost tortuously slowly. He tasted her, savoring, teasing and her knees went weak with it. With him.

But before things could go too far, before she could lose herself in him, he pulled away and smiled at her.

“I-I thought that’s what I’d win,” she gasped, breathless and shaky. “Are you conceding already?”

He shook his head. “Not at all,” he said. “I was thinking you’d win a very different kind of kiss.”

He released her then, with her mouth gaping in surprise, and stepped away just as Paisley appeared in the doorway to announce the arrival of the rest of their group. But even as she pulled herself back together and managed to properly greet her friends, she knew she would only be thinking of that wicked suggestion the rest of the day.

It had been a long afternoon, but a pleasant one. It was impossible not to enjoy spending time with Abigail, Rhys, Pippa, Owen and Celeste. And watching the three women interact, their strong friendship on display every time they exchanged a look or laughed at a joke, was wonderful. Their bond was that of sisters, and Nathan was glad Abigail had such a support system in her life.

No one, as of yet, had mentioned the upcoming wedding. But the tension of it had hung in the room all day. Along with tension of a different kind. Since their kiss, Abigail had sent quite a few side glances his way. Sometimes her gaze dropped to his mouth, sometimes she seemed to jerk herself out of thought and force herself back into conversation.

He had distracted her…and he liked it far too much for his own good. Not that he had any intention of stopping. He had no idea what a marriage to this woman would look like, but it was happening. If they had desire between them, that was better than animus, it was better than fear or mistrust.

At least it was a start.

“With all that is going on, is there anything we can do to help with the wedding?” Celeste asked. She blushed. “Not that you are overwhelmed. You’re both capable people. And perhaps since you haven’t brought it up, you don’t want to talk about it, which is also fine.”

Abigail’s face lost all color and she jerked her gaze toward Nathan. He smothered a laugh at her expression, a mix of triumph, a hint of terror and a heavy dose or anticipation. After all, she knew what she’d won. He’d tried to make it very clear. And he liked that she licked her lips in response. He liked that she gripped her hands into fists in her lap. He liked that he moved her in some way.

“I…we…” Abigail stammered.

Nathan interrupted, smoothly giving their friends the same information he had shared with her a short time before. When he was finished, Pippa leaned forward. “Then we’ll see your sister very soon.”

He nodded. “She is due to arrive here in four or five days, depending on the roads. She will stay for the remainder of the Season.”

Abigail worried her lip, but said nothing. He felt her anxiety about the arrival of his sister, but there was little he could do to ease it.

The gazes of their friends shifted between them, and Rhys pushed to his feet. “It is getting late,” he said. “And I suppose we should be moving along and let Abigail get back to whatever plans she’s working on.”

They all stood and moved as a chattering group into the foyer. Paisley called for carriages, and it was a jolly group as Celeste and Owen got into their rig first, followed by Pippa and Rhys. Nathan stood on Abigail’s Copyright 2016 - 2024