The Duke's Wife (The Three Mrs #3) - Jess Michaels Page 0,23

by his reaction. It was like someone had given him wings. He had the oddest urge to shout out with this triumph and let the world know he’d won. Instead, he kept his expression impassive and nodded. “I’m pleased. Now, would you be opposed to sitting together for the presentation?”

She rolled her eyes, and there they were, back to their usual adversarial banter. “I don’t see a way to refuse you. So yes, I’ll join you.”

He motioned her to two of the few remaining seats in the hall, and they sat. But though she didn’t look at him for the entire speech, nor during the questions afterward, he still felt like they’d moved forward tonight. Toward what, he wasn’t certain, but he wasn’t opposed to it.

And that was the oddest thing of all.

As those who had attended the salon began to make their way back to the street, buzzing about the gathering in small groups, Abigail felt more energized and happy than she had in years. She clasped her hands together and turned toward Nathan.

“It was wonderful, wasn’t it? So fascinating to hear Mr. Bentham talk about his thoughts on happiness and improving Society. I will be thinking about it for weeks to come.”

He nodded as they maneuvered through the milling crowd, down the stairs and through Mattigan’s Bookshop. When the group jostled them, he placed a hand briefly on her back, and she felt the weight of every finger against her spine as he managed to keep her from being bumped by excited patrons.

They exited onto the street and found a line of attendees waiting for their carriages. Nathan waved, and she saw her driver catch his eye from the group of those waiting for their masters. The driver hustled off to fetch her rig, and that left them waiting in front of the shop.

Suddenly she felt nervous, and so she smiled up at Nathan in the hopes to diffuse those feelings he so often engendered in her. “What did you think about what he said about the reform of Poor Laws?”

Nathan’s eyes lit up. “Fascinating. I think I might reach out to him to speak about it more. I sit in the House of Lords, after all. I have influence—perhaps I can sponsor some legislation on the matter.”

She stared at him. “You would do so?”

He nodded.

“That would be wonderful. So many in power don’t seem to think of those without it at all. And while I don’t know that I believe everything the man said about the intrinsic goodness to pleasure—after all, I was married to a man who took his however he saw fit and it harmed a great many others—I do think that considering the happiness of the greater population has merits when we take actions that affect them. And I…”

She trailed off because Nathan’s smile had twisted a little, almost like he found what she was saying amusing.

She folded her arms in a shield against her chest. “I am talking too much.”

“Not at all,” he assured her. “I just enjoy watching you exhibit such passion about something rather than despising me.”

She cleared her throat. “A woman can have many facets and passions.”

His smile broadened. “Indeed, that is true. Oh, here is your carriage, let me help you up.”

He waved her footman to stay at the top of the rig and opened the door for her before he took her hand to assist her. She gripped his fingers, and for a moment she flashed to the last time she had touched him. In the parlor, when his lips had come down on hers and lit a fire that had no business burning through her as it had.

He was still holding her hand, and she stared down at his lean fingers, gripping hers through her thin gloves. She swallowed hard and slid her hand away. He gazed up at her, his pupils dilated much as they had been when they kissed. What would happen if she caught that hand again and drew him into the rig? What would happen if she took him back to her home and up to her bed? What would happen if she took off her gloves and touched that handsome face, traced those full lips with her thumb?

She blinked those wicked thoughts away.

“Good—goodnight,” she stammered.

He inclined his head. “I’ll see you at the ball in a few days. Goodnight, Abigail.”

He smiled as he shut the carriage door. She heard him say something to her driver and then she was off, leaving him Copyright 2016 - 2024