The Duke's Wife (The Three Mrs #3) - Jess Michaels Page 0,21

didn’t want to participate, she could cry off with a headache or some other false ailment.

“You welcomed us,” Pippa said. “I think it makes the most sense for you to do the same for her.”

Of course it did. Abigail forced a tight smile and nodded. But she could see her friends had further questions about her attitude. Ones she had no intention of answering. So instead, she dug into her pocket for the invitation to Lady Lena’s Salon.

“Look at what I got,” she gushed.

“Oh, so Harriet and Lena sent it!” Pippa said, clasping her hands together. “Harriet said they intended to do so. I’m so pleased, though Rhys and I will not be in attendance at that particular event.”

“Nor Owen and I,” Celeste said.

“Oh,” Abigail said with a frown. “That is too bad. I shall not know anyone else there, beyond Lena and Harriet, of course.”

“But it is a new opportunity to make friends, then,” Celeste said. “Perhaps even catch the eye of some handsome intellectual who will sweep you off your feet by talking to you about poetry or science.”

Abigail forced a smile, even though images of Gilmore popped into her mind once more. Damn him. “That would certainly be something.”

The other two laughed, and their conversation turned to the salon and past presenters there. It gave Abigail time to breathe, time to gather herself.

She was going to have a long life ahead of her, and now that she was free of Erasmus and out of mourning, she would have to determine what that life looked like. Certainly it would not include the Duke of Gilmore.

She could not forget it.

Chapter 6

Nathan crossed the crowded room of Lady Lena’s Salon, smiling at those in attendance as he tried to find his hosts. He found them standing together talking to another guest, but that person peeled away as he approached. He knew a little about them thanks to his relationship with Owen and Celeste Gregory.

Harriet Smith had once been Celeste’s governess, but had come to London after being sacked by her parents. There she had met Lena Bright, illegitimate daughter of a duke. The two had entered into a relationship—a partnership, though anyone with eyes knew they loved each other. Ultimately they had opened the salon above Mattigan’s Bookshop and built it into the most sought-after gathering place for anyone with intellect in London.

That they’d called it Lady Lena’s was a spit in the face of Lena’s father. Nathan knew the man, the Duke of Carrington, and he felt the man deserved whatever he got. Nasty creature.

Harriet Smith was lovely, with a round face and bright eyes. And Lena was stunning. Her curly hair was pulled away from her brown face; the result highlighted her high cheekbones and full lips. The two women smiled at Nathan as he approached and he could not help but return it.

“Your Grace.” Lena extended an elegant hand. “Good evening.”

“Good evening, Lady Lena,” he said with a smile as he shook first her hand and then Harriet’s. “And Miss Smith. A pleasure to see you both again.”

“The pleasure is ours,” Lena said with a smile for Harriet.

She nodded. “We are so happy you agreed to attend—we have hoped you would.”

“I’ve meant to before, since I first received your invitation a few months ago, but the timing has never aligned. I am thrilled it did tonight.” He glanced around the room. “It’s quite a crush. And such a wonderful mix of people.”

It was true. Men and women of all corners and walks of life mingled in the room. There was no exclusion here for race or creed or rank. The only requirement was intelligence and an interest in the wider world.

“Yes, with Jeremy Bentham here to speak about his principle of greatest happiness, we knew it would be a popular night.” Harriet smiled. “But you are not alone—there is a friendly face in the crowd for you.”

“Who is that?” Nathan asked.

“Mrs. Montgomery,” Lena said, motioning across the room delicately.

Nathan followed the motion, and through the crowd he saw Abigail. She was standing in a small group of mostly younger men, save for one who was older. She was chatting and smiling and laughing. She looked beautiful, with her dark hair pulled back simply and then adorned with a bejeweled band. Her dress was a dark blue, the skirt also stitched with a few sparkling elements.

“Your Grace?”

Nathan blinked as he realized he was being addressed. He smiled at Harriet and Lena again. “I’m sorry, I must have become Copyright 2016 - 2024