The Duke's Wife (The Three Mrs #3) - Jess Michaels Page 0,20

she unfolded the pages, it was nothing personal within at all. An invitation to a ball the next week. She didn’t even think Gilmore had written it himself. It was amazing how she had been dreading whatever he’d written—now she was disappointed there wasn’t some meaningful letter after all.

“Little fool,” she muttered as she shoved the missive in her pocket with the rest just as Pippa and Celeste came down from the house with Paisley behind them. She waved to the butler and he smiled as he turned back on the path to allow the ladies their greetings.

There were a few moments of hugs and compliments on hair and gowns before Celeste looked around her in wonder. “Your garden is wonderful! I marvel every time I see it.”

“Thank you,” Abigail said, unable to contain her blush.

“And it’s so helpful,” Pippa added. “That mixture you made for Kenley’s little cough last week did wonders. It’s like he was never ill.”

“I’m so pleased,” Abigail said, and for a moment nothing else mattered. She adored helping others with her talent for potions. She had few opportunities to use that skill and each one made her soar. “Oh, but let’s come out of the sun. The gazebo is likely ready for us.”

They moved toward the little structure together, chatting about the weather. The gazebo had been hastily set for their tea, and after everyone had taken their place and Abigail had poured their cups, she sighed.

“I’m glad you are both here today,” Abigail said with a smile. “I needed the distraction.”

“Oh dear,” Celeste said with a tilt of her head. “Is something amiss?”

“Not at all,” Abigail said, darting her gaze away as the memory of Nathan kissing her roared up in her mind once again. “Just tired.”

“It has been an exhausting few weeks,” Pippa agreed. “And it looks to only get more complicated. Rhys was just to see Gilmore, and he told me that the duke intends to have his sister join him here in London to have a Season.”

Abigail tried to pretend she didn’t already know that fact. She didn’t want to explain how she did for fear she would spill the rest of the facts of what had transpired between her and Gilmore.

“Lady Ophelia?” Celeste asked, almost breathlessly. “She was one of Erasmus’s intended victims, wasn’t she?”

“Yes,” Pippa said with a frown. “Only Abigail’s intervention stopped it.”

“But Gilmore doesn’t know it was me, nor do I wish him to,” Abigail said swiftly, perhaps sharply.

There was a hesitation as her two friends stared at her, probably in shock at her harsh tone. Pippa took her hand. “Of course, my dear. We wouldn’t ever tell him, though I think that might soften things between you, if he knew you were his savior.”

She shook her head. “Once he knew the truth, his actions caused us to be publicly revealed. Caused the rift between us. I cannot forget that. Leave it be. I doubt he cares who told him the truth.”

“I assume he does care how Ophelia fares in London, though,” Pippa said. “No one else knows what happened, so her reputation is not at stake, but one would assume she might wish to talk to someone about what happened. I know she never became an official Mrs. Montgomery, but perhaps we could welcome her as you welcomed us.”

“Oh yes!” Celeste added with a smile. “Invite her to lunch with us.”

Abigail swallowed. To include Ophelia in their circle clearly meant that she would be further exposed to Nathan—Gilmore. She needed to think of him as Gilmore. Becoming more intimate with his name was part of how they’d ended up kissing.

She drew a long breath to calm herself and said, “Would her brother approve, though?”

“I don’t see why not,” Pippa said. “Your issues aside, I think he does respect you and how you’ve handled yourself throughout this ordeal. And he likes Celeste and me. He makes that very clear.”

Abigail nearly snorted. Gilmore had made it clear he liked her well enough when he’d breached her lips with his tongue, when he’d held her so close she could match his heartbeat.

“Unless you don’t wish to welcome her for some reason,” Celeste said slowly.

Abigail blinked. “Of course not, don’t be silly. If she would like it and he would allow it, I will arrange it.” She glanced at Pippa. “Unless you would like to?”

She almost hoped Pippa would say yes. It would give her some distance from the plan so Gilmore wouldn’t read into it. And if she really Copyright 2016 - 2024