Duke Looks Like a Groomsman - Valerie Bowman Page 0,75

from floor to ceiling and large damask sapphire curtains had been drawn closed in front of them.

The door from the adjoining room that housed Rhys’s wardrobe cracked open.

“I won’t be needing your assistance tonight, Gilbert,” Rhys called to his valet, a sly smile on his face.

The door shut again as quickly as it had opened.

“Don’t you think you should allow him to look at your ankle?” Julianna asked with a laugh.

“Not tonight. He can look at my blasted ankle tomorrow.” Rhys hopped over to her and pulled her into his arms. “Tonight is for us.”

Julianna kissed him and then pulled away.

He frowned. “We don’t have to do this, you know.”

“Are you jesting?” she replied with another laugh. “I’ve been waiting for this for well over a year. Besides, something tells me Papa won’t agree to our match if we don’t give him something to…ahem…agree with.”

Rhys scratched at the back of his neck. “Yes, well, I just hope he doesn’t call me out.”

Julianna shook her head. “He won’t. He’ll be angry at first, to be certain, but in the end, Mama will convince him it’s for the best. Mama can always convince him.”

“Will you always be able to convince me?” he asked, kissing the edge of her lips.

“I hope so,” Julianna replied with a smile.

Rhys pulled her close and kissed her thoroughly. “I love you, Julianna. I cannot wait to marry you.”

“I love you, too, Rhys,” she said before turning quickly and pointing to her back. “Unbutton me.”

Rhys chuckled. “You don’t waste any time, do you?”

She laughed too. “You cannot blame me. I happen to have a bit of experience with you and I know how good it’s going to be.”

His grin was downright arrogant. “Well, in that case.” His fingers worked at the back of her gown. As soon as it was unbuttoned, she turned back to face him and he helped her pull the gown completely over her head.

Rhys carefully made his way over to the tufted stool that ran the length of the end of the bed. He sat and shucked his boots.

Julianna joined him and helped him remove his coat, cravat, and shirt. Her hands splayed across his broad chest. “You don’t know how tempting you were all those times I saw you in the stables without your shirt.”

“And you don’t know how tempting you were. Especially that day you rode astride.” He shook his head.

“Really?” She blinked at him.

“Those breeches? Torture,” he replied. “Absolute torture.”

“Come to bed,” Julianna said, a coquettish smile on her lips. She helped him around the edge of the bed, and he hoisted himself up on the mattress and watched as she pulled her night rail over her head and threw it to the end of the bed.

She stood in front of him, entirely, gloriously naked.

Rhys’s gaze devoured her. “You’re magnificent.”

She glanced at him, tentatively biting her lip. “Your injury isn’t going to keep you from–”

“Not a chance,” he shot back, shaking his head vigorously.

She laughed and climbed up on the bed next to him. “I suppose you’ll need assistance removing your breeches, however.”

His eyes sparkled. “Yes, my lady. I’m entirely at your mercy.”

She pushed him back onto the pillows and he laid there with his hands beneath his head, while her fingers moved to the buttons of his breeches. She painstakingly popped each one open, one after the other, while Rhys struggled to keep his raging cockstand under control.

When the buttons were all undone, Julianna motioned for him to lift his hips, then she tugged on his breeches with both hands, pulling them down over his hips until they were inside out, and pulled them off over his ankles.

She tossed the garment to the floor and let her gaze travel over his long, lean body. “You’re gorgeous, Rhys.”

“I believe that’s what I’m supposed to say to you.” He sat up and pulled her toward him. Then, he slid down the mattress. She was on her knees in front of him and he lined his face up with her sex. He cupped his hands over her buttocks to keep her in place. Then he licked deep and long in between her folds.

Julianna’s eyes went wide. “I didn’t know we could…” Her voice trailed off in what sounded like embarrassment.

She was referring to their positions. “Oh, sweetheart, there are so many ways we can love each other. I can’t wait to teach you each and every one of them.”

She braced her hands on his shoulders, holding onto him while he continued to lick

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