Duke Looks Like a Groomsman - Valerie Bowman Page 0,44

explain it to Mary?

“I only know that I’ve never seen you that way with a gentleman of the ton. It reminded me of the way you used to speak about the Duke of Wor…” Mary let her sentence trail off and pressed her lips together. “I’m sorry, Julianna. I didn’t mean to mention Detestable.”

Julianna patted her sister’s hand. Mary was such a dear. She was always thinking about other people’s feelings. Here she was at this house party to look for a potential match for herself and instead she was worried about Julianna’s match with Murdock, and how she appeared to be enamored of a groomsman.

“At least the wedding’s not till spring,” Julianna replied with a sigh. “I have plenty of time to contemplate the matter. I expect it will all feel better to me after a bit of time passes.”

Mary gave her a dubious glance. “I don’t think that’s how it works, Anna.”

“You let me worry about Murdock and Mr. Worthy,” Julianna said, shaking away the unsettling thoughts of her upcoming wedding. They’d spent long enough talking about her, at any rate. “You should be much more interested in finding a match. At dinner tonight, did you speak with Lord Mixton again about going for a ride?”

Mary shook her head. “I’m not certain I’m brave enough yet. I need another riding lesson. Do you think Mr. Worthy would be up to the task?”

Chapter Nineteen

Rhys couldn’t help his smile when Julianna and Mary arrived at the stables early the next morning. She might be a thorn in his side at the moment, but the woman was nothing if not determined.

“I didn’t think you’d be awake at this hour, Mr. Worthy.” Julianna called in the sweet voice he’d come to recognize as the one she liked to use when she was pretending to be nothing more than a house guest with a penchant for visiting the stables every chance she got.

“And I didn’t think your tongue would be so sharp this early, Lady Julianna,” he replied in his most accommodating groomsman-like tone. “I suppose we both must suffer being wrong.”

Mary crossed her arms over her chest and glanced back and forth between the two of them before shaking her head. “Mr. Worthy, I was hoping you’d do me the favor of providing me with another riding lesson.”

Rhys turned his full attention to Mary and bowed. “Lady Mary, I’d like nothing more,” he said with all the sincerity he truly felt. He was nothing but pleased that Lady Mary had seen fit to allow him to continue with her lessons. It meant that she trusted him, and there could be no greater compliment for a trainer than that.

“I’ll just go get Whisper saddled,” he called to her.

Lady Mary nodded.

Rhys gave Julianna a tight grin. “Don’t miss me too much, my lady.”

“I’ll try not to,” she replied in tone that dripped with sarcasm.

Was he missing his guess, or were they enjoying ribbing each other at this point? He had to admit, he found himself looking forward to her next verbal jab and coming up with his riposte. He whistled to himself as he headed toward Whisper’s stall.

Minutes later, Rhys returned with Whisper, but he hadn’t yet saddled the horse. “I thought I’d show you how to prepare her for a ride,” he said, smiling at Mary.

Mary returned his smile. “I’d like that very much.”

While Julianna stood silently nearby, Rhys showed Mary the proper way to put the blanket on the horse’s back and then the proper way to fit and fasten the sidesaddle.

“Of course, given the number of servants your father no doubt employs,” Rhys said. “I realize you will not be doing much of your own saddling, Lady Mary, but a proper horsewoman understands the fundamentals of such things in case she is ever called upon to know them in a difficult situation.”

“I agree with you completely,” Julianna said.

Rhys eyed her carefully, waiting for the additional snide comment that was certain to follow. When she merely blinked at him innocently, he continued, “Anyone I teach will be prepared for all eventualities.”

“I see,” Julianna replied. “Like perhaps the eventuality that you up and leave in the middle of a lesson, never to be heard from for, say, months?”

Ah, there it was. Over Mary’s head, Rhys gave Julianna a tight smile.

For her part, Mary gave Julianna a quelling glance. “Why would you ask that, Anna?” Then she turned to Rhys, “You’re not planning to leave, are you, Mr. Worthy?”

“Not at all, Mary,” Rhys replied.

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