Duke Looks Like a Groomsman - Valerie Bowman Page 0,32

his defection. But he didn’t seem inclined to share it with her. Not that it mattered now. One kiss couldn’t change the months of pain they’d put each other through. One kiss didn’t change the fact that she was engaged to the Marquess of Murdock.

And Rhys still didn’t trust her. That much was obvious. They’d kissed each other passionately, but she’d seen the disgust in his eyes when she’d reminded him that she was engaged. And she could feel the judgement in his tone. She knew it. He thought she had pretended to want him because of his title. The thought made her want to scream. Was he such a fool that he couldn’t see how much she truly wanted him? Had always wanted him? She shook her head. That was the trouble. She’d wanted that horse’s arse.

“Anna?” Mary’s soft voice called from behind her.

Julianna turned, letting the curtain drop closed again and sealing the room in darkness. “I’m sorry, Mary. Did I wake you?”

The flame of a single candle sprang to life on Mary’s bedside table, then Mary stood, carrying the candle to the window.

“What are you doing awake at this hour?” Mary asked when she reached Julianna’s side.

Julianna sighed. “I couldn’t sleep.”

“Is it because of Mr. Worthy?” Mary’s sleepy voice asked next.

“What? Why would you ask that?” Julianna’s heart began to pound painfully in her chest.

“I don’t know,” Mary replied, setting the candle upon the windowsill. “It just seemed to me that…never mind, I’m sorry to have mentioned it. Forgive me.”

Forgive her? The poor dear. Mary was more astute than Julianna or their parents ever gave her credit for. She might be the quiet one, the cautious one, but Mary was always watching and paying attention and thinking about other people’s feelings.

“No, Mary, it’s I who should apologize. You’re right.” Julianna hung her head “It actually does have something to do with Mr. Worthy.”

Mary’s brow furrowed. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, Anna. But I’m here if you do want to talk about it.”

Julianna reached out and hugged her sister. “Oh, Mary, you’re such a dear.”

“I promise not to repeat anything you say.”

“Of course, you wouldn’t.” Julianna trusted her sister with her life. But there was a secret she’d promised not to tell also, and she took her promise quite seriously, too. She could tell Mary that she’d kissed the groomsman, Mr. Worthy, but she was still not at liberty to reveal Rhys’s true identity.

Julianna turned and rested her shoulder against the window frame. “The truth is…I kissed Mr. Worthy today.”

Mary sucked in her breath, then tentatively leaned forward to watch Julianna’s face. She retrieved the candle and held it higher. “Truly?”

Julianna swallowed and nodded. “Yes. I…I don’t know why. I couldn’t help myself.”

“At the lake?” Mary asked.

“No, not at the lake. Later…in the meadow.”

A small smile popped to Mary’s lips. “I think I know why you did it, Anna,” she said. “He’s ever so handsome.” A frown quickly replaced Mary’s smile. “But Lord Murdock . . .”

Julianna paced away from her sister, wrapping her arms tightly around her middle. “I know. I know. I’ve no excuse. I feel terrible. I wish I could go back in time and erase it from having ever happened.”

“Oh, Anna. Don’t judge yourself too harshly.” Her sister came up behind her and placed a warm hand on her shoulder. “You’re only human. Like the vicar says, we all make mistakes.”

Julianna patted her sister’s hand. Mary would never make a mistake like that and they both knew it. Julianna was the impetuous one. But Mary was so kind and forgiving that she would never judge another soul for making a mistake. Even one as large as this one. “Thank you, Mary, but I know it was wrong. It never should have happened.”

“Does Mr. Worthy know that you’re engaged to be married?” Mary asked quietly.

Julianna bit her lip. The truth would paint them both in a worse light, but there was no sense not telling it. She’d already admitted to the worst part. “Yes. He knows,” she said softly, lowering her chin to her chest.

Pulling her hand from Julianna’s shoulder, Mary moved in front of her to face her again. “Oh, Anna, anyone can make a mistake. You’re not actually married yet. That’s what truly matters. And of course, you won’t do something like that again.”

Julianna swallowed. She wanted to say of course not, but instead all she could muster was a half-hearted nod. “Thank you for not hating

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