Duke Looks Like a Groomsman - Valerie Bowman Page 0,24

you quite all right, Anna?”

“Yes, why?” Julianna managed past lips that were trembling.

“You don’t seem yourself this morning,” Mary replied. “You look a bit pale.”

“I’m fine.” Julianna swallowed and pasted her own fake smile to her lips. She felt as if she were about to face a firing squad instead of the man she’d once (nearly) been betrothed to. But she forced herself to square her shoulders and take a deep breath. She absolutely refused to allow him to see her weakness. She would win this battle if it were the last thing she did.

“I do hope the ride wasn’t too bumpy,” Rhys said, through his ubiquitous charming smile the moment the door was open.

“Not at all, Mr. Worthy,” Mary replied, smiling at him sweetly and allowing him to help her down onto the grass.

Lord Clayton’s cook had provided Julianna with a picnic basket, and before facing Rhys, she pulled out the basket and a blanket she’d brought with her. Rhys took the items from her and set them into the grass near Mary’s feet before turning back to Julianna and offering her his arm.

She reached out and placed her gloved hand on his strong, warm forearm. She nearly gulped when she felt the size of his muscles. Memories flooded back to her. One specific memory: of her lying beneath him on the chaise in his study one night, his hips grinding into hers, his mouth on her neck, her arms around his wide shoulders, pulling him closer, and—

“Are you all right, Julianna?” Mary asked again.

Julianna didn’t have to wonder why her sister had asked that time. Heat was burning her cheeks. No doubt she was a bright shade of red. Oh, bless it. Why did she have to have such a vivid memory and why did it have to somehow be triggered every time she touched Rhys Sheffield? Or caught a whiff of his expensive cologne that he apparently was still wearing even while pretending to be a groomsman. Unless…he somehow knew it drove her mad. No, he couldn’t know that. Could he?

“I’m…fine,” she managed, nearly jumping to the ground in an effort to step away from Rhys, his arm, and his memory as quickly as possible.

The moment her hand flew away from his sleeve, Rhys bent to pick up the blanket and the picnic basket. “Where would you like me to set up the picnic, milady?” he asked in an overly helpful voice.

Julianna nodded toward the edge of the lake. “Over there will be qu…quite fine.”

“Oh, yes, let’s sit by the water,” Mary said, clasping her hands together and moving ahead of them to find the perfect spot.

Rhys allowed Julianna to lead the way, while Ernest remained at the coach. She could feel Rhys’s eyes on her backside. She could only hope he hadn’t guessed that she was blushing as a result of touching him. But then again, the man did have enormous confidence, he was probably quite certain she was blushing over him.

Mary stood spinning in a circle in the spot she’d picked, and Rhys set the basket aside and tossed the blanket onto the soft, green grass. Then he set about ensuring all four corners were pulled wide before he picked up the basket, leaned over, and set it on the center of the blanket.

“Would you care for me to serve you?” he asked in a completely nonchalant voice.

“Yes, please,” Julianna replied, forcing herself to remain committed to her plan. She’d meant to make Rhys cater to her every whim, but now that he was doing it, why did it feel awkward and uncomfortable? She should be enjoying every moment of this instead of feeling vaguely guilty.

“As you wish, milady,” Rhys replied, nodding and bowing.

There, that was more like it. In addition to milady, she loved it when he said as you wish. She shook her head as if to divest it of the unhelpful thoughts from earlier and set about enjoying herself as Rhys pulled out the contents of the picnic basket. There were two plates and two cloth napkins, two forks, a teapot with still-hot tea inside, two cups and two saucers, a basket of buns, a variety of jams and marmalades, two knives with which to spread the jams, a small basket of boiled eggs, and a small bowl of purple grapes.

Rhys arranged the entire set in a small circle in the center of the blanket, then he removed the basket and set it off to the side on the grass. If he

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