On Dublin Street - By Samantha Young Page 0,93

acting differently about you.” She sighed with absolute contentment. “Life is good. It’ll be even better with a cup of tea.”

“You need to refill the kettle.” She nodded and headed over to it and as I watched her I thought about Adam. “Adam’s got a date. Are you taking one?”

Her shoulders stiffened a little as she carried the kettle to the sink. “I’m taking Nicholas.”

“Ooh that should be fun,” I murmured, thinking about the possible drama once Adam found that out.

A crash brought my head up as Ellie cursed, her face scrunched up. I rushed over to see she’d dropped the kettle in the sink and was clutching her right arm. “You okay?” I asked, confused as to what happened, but her face was pale.

She nodded, her lips pinched. “Just cramp in my hand from marking all those papers.”

“You dropped the kettle?” It wasn’t the first time she’d been working so damn hard her hand had cramped up. “You need to go easy and take more breaks. You work too hard.” Ellie looked so worried I felt my heart flip. “Els, are you okay?”

She gave me a wobbly smile. “Stressed.”

“Take a nap.” I rubbed her shoulder soothingly. “You’ll feel better.”


“Hey gorgeous.”

I spun around on my heels and I grinned at Braden standing all sexy in a black contemporary tux. He and Adam had decided to forgo wearing a traditional kilt since November in Scotland was ‘baltic’ as they said. “Hey handsome.”

“Did I tell you how much I like this dress?” He strolled in casually, his hands reaching for my hips to pull me close. “It’s a good dress.”

It was amethyst satin, figure hugging and showed a little cleavage and a little leg. It was a dress that teased and Braden enjoyed being teased. I pressed a familiar kiss just under his jaw, my favorite place to nibble. “We better go before we’re late. Is Ellie ready yet?”

“No. And I can’t sit out there alone with Nicholas.” Braden grimaced.

I wrinkled my nose. “That poor guy is so boring.”

Braden groaned and buried his face in my neck. “My sister needs her head checked,” he mumbled into my skin and I laughed silently, stroking his hair.

“Ellie will be fine.”

Braden pulled back, suddenly all bristling and growly. “He’s not good enough for her.”

I shrugged, picking up my clutch and coat. “I’m not good enough for you, but that hasn’t stopped you.”

He grabbed my hand tight, scowling at me. “What?”

“I’m ready!” Ellie bounced into my room in a designer white fifties-style dress with a pale yellow, chocolate and teal print. She had on a silk petticoat underneath and wore a white wool coat that cost more than my entire outfit. I smiled. She looked so pretty. “Joss, you look great. Taxi’s waiting.” She took my hand and dragged Braden and I out into the hall where the unfortunately monotonous Nicholas was waiting for us.

I was just glad I didn’t have to answer for that insanely stupid slip up back in the bedroom.


The entire wedding, ceremony and reception, was held at the Edinburgh Corn Exchange, an events venue that hosted everything from weddings to rock gigs. It was a pretty old building with Greek columns but it wasn’t spectacularly beautiful, neither were it surroundings. However the ceremony room was beautiful, and the reception was just breathtaking. Everything was white and silver with ice blue lights. It was a winter wonderland for a winter wedding.

Braden had wandered off to talk to Adam who’d spent most of the wedding so far ignoring his very pretty date and glaring at Nicholas. Why he was glaring at Nicholas when Ellie had left the poor guy to his own devices to flutter around everyone like the social butterfly she was, I had no idea. But if looks could kill…

I shook my head. He needed to get a clue already.


I glanced up from sipping champagne to find Elodie standing over me. She and Clark were at the next table, and I glanced past her to see Clark in deep conversation with an older guy I didn’t know. Who was I kidding? I hardly knew anyone here. I smiled up at Elodie who looked gorgeous in sapphire blue. “Hey, how are you?”

She gave me a ‘you know how it is’ smile and slid into the empty seat next to me. By now, of course she’d cottoned onto the fact that Braden and I were seeing each other—especially because he wasn’t subtle about it and Declan had caught him kissing me in the kitchen

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