Dropping The Ball - A New Year’s Billionaire Romance - Weston Parker Page 0,96

to make sure she stays that way.”

“Right.” The only other people allowed within the backstage area where she was waiting were her family, Tani, Jules, and me. “Ryan and Don are still at her door, right?”

“No one’s gone in or out. Billy and her parents are there. Not even the other performers have been in to see her yet.”

I’d heard their updates in my own ear just two minutes ago, but there was no stopping this feeling in my gut. Something was going to happen tonight. I just couldn’t let it happen to her.

“You’ll be right over there when she comes on,” Bart said, inclining his head at my pre-determined post. “Donny and Ryan will wait with her once you leave to come up here. They’ll stay down there, escort her back to her dressing room when she’s done, and you’ll be back with her two minutes later. Unless you’ve changed your mind?”

I shook my head. “I need to see her taking the stage again. I need to be here for her if she needs me, but I’d also just end up killing someone down there if I didn’t have eyes on her.”

He chuckled before the telltale click in our ears meant someone had something to report. Don’s voice came in a second later. “There’s a Tani here for Rylee. Blonde lady. She’s on the list.”

“Let her in,” I said, watching my friend’s face when Tani’s name was mentioned.

Bart had a poker face that could win him the world championships, but as soon as Don said Tani, something in his expression changed. It softened before he could even catch himself.

Yeah, Rylee was definitely onto something with the two of them.

I didn’t bring it up, though. If he wanted to, he’d tell me about it. Cash might not be here tonight, but I knew Bart wouldn’t be able to get past the mere fact of his existence just like that.

“She’s inside,” Don reported back. “Door’s closed again. No movement around.”

“Thanks, Donny.” Bart cleared his throat, his expression back to being as stony as ever. He glanced at me. “No heroics tonight, Carter. If you see something you don’t like, you let me know. Don’t go punching every man who makes eyes at your girl.”

“Me?” I smirked, jabbing my thumb at my chest. “Never.”

Not true, but so be it. Bart already knew I’d do whatever it took to protect her. That was why I was still here as her bodyguard and not only as her boyfriend.

We’d finally gotten around to having that talk. Although I hadn’t been yanked from her detail or fired for breaking the rules, I was on a short leash. If it meant I got to stay close to her, I’d sit up and beg like a fucking puppy without having any problems about it.

There had been some paperwork for Rylee and me to fill out, but apparently this kind of thing wasn’t unheard of. I got to keep being her live-in bodyguard, but Ryan would be with us at public appearances from here on out. For the time being anyway.

She hadn’t received any more threats, and after tonight, she’d be back on Broadway. Since the threats had come from a person wanting her back, we were working on the assumption that things would die down in that department.

Jules had already spoken to Bart about long-term representation, but only to the extent that Rylee would be accompanied when she had to mingle with fans and that kind of thing. She’d agreed to it but had made it clear that she refused to be followed around “for the rest of our lives.”

Her emphasis on that word had made me feel like a fucking superhero. That was me she’d included in her “our.” Things had been great between us, and I had a feeling the best was yet to come.

“Speaking of punching every man who makes eyes at your girl, keep your fists to yourself, yeah?” He nodded at a figure cutting a path toward us.

My eyes narrowed when I recognized Nathan fucking Biles. He smirked when he met my eyes, sliding his hands into the pockets of his chinos.

“Has the princess had enough of you yet?” he asked. “I’m guessing yes. Otherwise, you’d be wherever she was getting ready for the big reveal.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I replied, calling on every ounce of self-control I possessed not to just knock him the fuck out.

“There’s no big reveal,” Bart said curtly, his frame as tense as my

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