Dropping The Ball - A New Year’s Billionaire Romance - Weston Parker Page 0,83

changing tact from emotional to scientific.

I nodded. “They said there’s absolutely no reason why I couldn’t be in a perfectly normal relationship, get married, or have a family.”

He winced. “Let’s not talk about you two having babies together just yet. I’m not nearly ready for that, but I will tell you one thing. Your doctors have walked a long road with you. They wouldn’t lie to you, especially about this. You’ve been thinking this way for a while, haven’t you?”

“Yep.” I wasn’t proud of it, but it was the truth. The doctors even said the added stress I’d put myself under worrying about it might’ve been the main trigger for my attack.

Billy knew it without me having to voice it out loud. He backed away from me, scrubbing his hands over his face before letting his head drop back.

“Right, well, I tell you what you’re going to do. You’re going to go have a shower, change, and then you and I are going out for some groceries because there’s nothing edible in this house. When we get back, you’re going to return Jules’s calls. He’s even tried me about a hundred times. We’re going to get your work stuff back on track, and then we’ll work on a plan for Carter. Okay?”

I’d rather have gotten right on to working on the plan to get Carter back, but Billy was giving me time to wrap my head around the truth. Carter didn’t care that I was famous or sick, and the doctors didn’t think being with him was like handing him a grenade that’s pin had already been pulled.

There was only one person still worrying about it, and that was me. It wasn’t something I’d move past overnight, but I needed to get into the right headspace before I spoke to Carter. If I didn’t, there was a strong possibility that I’d screw things up even further.

Bart suggested that we order groceries online, but I shut him down. I could walk, and I needed to do it. Even if it was just a few blocks to buy some food. He relented when I told him that, then fell in step beside Billy on our way to the store. The two spoke animatedly about Carter, looking to all the world like they were the ones who were old friends. As long as Billy was in town, we wouldn’t have to worry about appearances where Bart was concerned.

We grabbed a few of the basic groceries before moving to the checkout point. My brain was spinning as I tried to reconcile what everyone was saying about Carter and my future, and my own beliefs on the matter.

Everything slammed to a halt when I spotted my face—and Carter’s—on the front page of the New York Times. It was dated for the day before, but there were still a few copies of the paper sitting on the shelf.

My heart dropped when I read the headline and saw Nathan’s name underneath it. Billy and Bart were next to me immediately, ushering me forward before I could read everything he’d written.

“That asshole,” I cursed under my breath. “He’s never going to stop unless I do, is he?”

Billy ground his teeth and shook his head firmly. “There’s not a chance you’re stopping.”

“He won’t stop if you do anyway,” Bart added with all the confidence of a person who knew what he was talking about. “Clearly, he’s after something and he won’t stop until he gets it. It’s not your retirement he’s after. That’s for sure. Or else he’d have left it alone by now.”

I closed my eyes and raised my chin, taking in a deep breath. They were right. I really had to stop doubting myself all the time. The wheels were in motion for my return, and while I would remain nervous about it, I was going to do it.

“Hey, honey,” Jules said when he called about a minute later. I had a sneaking suspicion my brother had sent him a text letting him know I’d seen the article and what my reaction had been. I’d seen him typing on his phone when I was busy getting checked out. “How are you feeling? Up and about?”

“I’m okay, and yes. We’re at the store.”

“Good. I want you back onstage for a few more run-throughs this week. There’s no backing down now, baby. We’re going to take the world by storm.”

Oh yeah, Billy definitely said something to him. But I was glad.

Both of them had always been good for my

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