Dropping The Ball - A New Year’s Billionaire Romance - Weston Parker Page 0,63

put a damper on it for all of them if my MS took a turn for the worse.

Then there was the fact that Carter himself might start saying no to attending because it would just be too difficult with me there, or even to get me there. The mere thought of it tore me to pieces inside just as much as the thought that if I wasn’t willing to risk it, I’d have to say goodbye to him.

Maybe a visit to the doctors will help. Just to see what’s happening with me. I truly didn’t want to start a deep relationship with someone if I was getting sicker. It just wouldn’t be fair, but especially not to someone with such a lively, vibrant family.

A snowball hit me in the arm. I started before spotting Carter standing a few feet away with that trademark smirk of his on his face. I also didn’t miss the worry in his eyes, though.

“What’s on your mind, Naples? Nothing could be more important than this tree. Come check it out.” He waved me over, putting a protective hand on my lower back when I went to stand next to him. “You okay?”

He’d asked it quietly enough that she couldn’t have heard, but his mother still smiled at us from the other side of the tree. “I’m fine. I just keep getting tripped up by something in my head.”

“We’ll talk about it later?” His fingers flexed on my back, and he waited until I nodded before grinning at his father. “I think we’ve found the winner. Let’s get it home.”

Carter and his dad were put in charge of the tree while we cheered from the sidelines, drawing a few glances which made Carter tense, but it was nothing more than curious onlookers. I gave his forearm a comforting squeeze.

“Stop worrying, boyfriend. Everything is fine.” It was the first time I’d called him that since he’d told me who he was, and there was a flicker of relief in his eyes before he hauled the tree over his shoulder.

“Let’s just get you home, girlfriend. I’ll stop worrying once I know you’re safe.” He moved fast, strapping the tree in his truck bed before paying, never letting me out of his sight for more than a few seconds.

Denise turned out to be a commanding Christmas coordinator when we got back home. She pointed at the box of decorations I’d hauled out earlier. “Right. Let’s see what we’ve got to work with.”

They oohed and ahhed over all the trinkets I’d collected. She picked up a bauble with my family printed on it. “Why don’t we have ones like this made?”

“Because we’d need an extra tree to have everyone on it,” Carter said. “Or a giant bauble. Take your pick.”

She smacked his shoulder lightly. “Big families are a blessing. Besides, you’re the youngest. If we had any fewer children, you wouldn’t be here.”

“None of you ever let me forget it,” Carter grumbled, but I saw the grin he was fighting. “How’s Parker’s skiing trip going? Did they ever have the green jackets made?”

“They did.” Adam fished his phone out of his pocket, navigated to something, and turned it toward Carter. “I’m thinking we should have matching ones made for the whole family for next year.”

He groaned, covering his eyes with his fingers and peeking between them. “That’s just terrible enough that I actually think you might do it.”

“They wouldn’t have to be green,” I said. “You could always have the photo of the family you use for the baubles printed on the back.”

“That’s the best idea I’ve heard in ages.” Denise grinned from ear to ear. “On the front, it could have our individual pictures and the family on the back. Guess what everyone’s getting for Christmas next year.”

“Now you’ve gone and done it.” Carter dropped his head back and moaned at the ceiling. “Why? Why would she do this to me?”

“Because she’s smart,” I said, clapping him on the shoulder. He caught my hand, giving it the briefest, lightest of squeezes before letting me walk past him toward the pile of decorations. “I’m sure there are plenty more ideas to be found in here.”

“You know I’m getting her to make you one of those jackets too, right? If I have to wear it, it’s only fair that you have to as well.”

“It’s your family,” I reminded him before nudging him in the ribs with my elbow when he came to sit on his knees next to me. “How about

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