Dropping The Ball - A New Year’s Billionaire Romance - Weston Parker Page 0,53

made the introductions, coming to stand next to me while our friends shook hands. Tani looked just as taken with Bart as he was with her, a soft smile on her lips and a faint flush on her cheeks.

“Hi,” she said. “It’s nice to meet the person responsible for my friend’s safety. Thank you for everything you’re doing with her.”

Bart shook her hand, his eyes not leaving hers for even a moment. “Technically, Carter’s the one keeping her safe. I’m just the stand-in on Sundays.”

“Even so.” Her blush spread as their fingers lingered before Bart withdrew, clearing his throat when Cash ran into the room after Max. I saw the moment he realized Cash was there with Tani.

A guard dropped over his face, but he still smiled and bent over to greet the boy. “Hey there, little man. I’m Bart.”

Cash dutifully took his hand. “My name is Cash. I’m four.”

“Four, huh?” His eyes flicked to Tani’s hand before he brought them back to Cash. “It’s fun being four, isn’t it? I don’t remember it so well, but playing is the best.”

“I play all the time.” Cash grinned. “Mommy plays with me when she’s not working.”

“You’re lucky to have a mommy who plays with you.” He straightened up, distracted for a minute as he gripped the back of his neck and looked around the room.

Rylee stepped in. “The food is ready. I just need to set the table. Then we can eat. How about we get everyone a drink?”

“I’ll help you,” Tani offered, taking her friend’s arm and pulling her in the direction of the kitchen.

Bart came back to himself once they were gone and Cash had chased after Max again. He eyed the door they’d disappeared through. “Cute kid.”

“Yeah, you’re good with them, you know?” I said. I wasn’t lying or blowing smoke up his ass. He loved children despite his fear of fucking one up if got too closely involved in his life. “His dad’s not in the picture. If you were interested in knowing.”

“This is a setup, then?” He swallowed but didn’t seemed pissed about it. “Why?”

I shrugged. “Rylee thought you two would get along well. They were coming over for brunch anyway and you were going to be here today, so she wanted you to meet.”

He chuckled, dragging a hand through his red hair while shaking his head. “Just because I enjoy children doesn’t mean I should have any. Let’s get in there.”

I followed him to the kitchen. He’d taken the revelation better than I’d expected he would, which meant that physically at least, he was attracted enough to her not to bolt now that he knew about Cash.

Maybe Rylee was right. She’d also come prepared, offering us each a choice between a strong coffee or a strong mimosa before excusing herself to set the table while we “got to know each other.” I saw right through her trick, and I was pretty sure our friends did too, but they didn’t complain when she left and I went after her.

“Did you warn her?” I asked quietly, taking the stack of plates to help her. “About his hang-ups with kids.”

“I told her he has some issues because of his childhood. She didn’t seem too bothered by it. Tani’s dealt with a lot worse from men as soon as they find out she’s a single mom. She doesn’t really date, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t gotten plenty of comments.”

“That sucks. People are assholes.” I snaked my arm around her waist after checking that we were still alone in the dining room, pulling her closer to me to steal a kiss. “Hi.”

She gave me a secret smile before nuzzling the underside of my jaw. “Hey. Any trouble out there?”

“Nope. No sign of Nathan either.”

“Good news.” She sighed, stepping away from me when we heard their footsteps coming our way. Turning to face our friends, she flashed them a bright smile and motioned at the chairs. “Have a seat. I’ll go get the food.”

She refused to let me help her, insisting that I finish the table while she went to the kitchen. A few minutes later, she had a delicious spread ready to tuck into. She’d even gotten Max a special treat, and Cash asked if he could sit with the dog instead of the grownups.

I get it, buddy.

Tani nodded, smiling as she waved a finger at him. “Just remember to tell me if you mess anything up, okay? We don’t want to wreck Rylee’s place.”

“He won’t wreck it.” Rylee

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