Dropping The Ball - A New Year’s Billionaire Romance - Weston Parker Page 0,33

from me. I’ll have a look as well, but he’s great at his job. He should have something for us soon.”

For the rest of lunch, I was on edge. Not only because I’d realized that I needed to pay a lot more attention to what was happening around me and didn’t know how to do it, but also because Carter was so close I could smell the subtle scent of his cologne.

It was an aromatic, woodsy fragrance reminiscent of expensive whiskey and cedarwood. An incredibly masculine, rich scent I’d have bathed in if I could.

“How did you move from analysis to protective detail?” Jules asked. “That seems like quite a leap.”

Carter gave him an easygoing grin. “I put in a ton of time at the gym for starters, and I had to put on some weight, but I also did quite a lot of training.”

“A hot nerd in disguise, huh?” I swore I saw stars in my friend’s eyes when he gazed across the table at Carter. “Good Lord. Could you be any more perfect?”

I wanted to cheer for him because yes, could someone please answer that question for me? But I held myself in check. I could be as professional and cool about this as he was being, right?

Ha. Liar.

Carter laughed and ran a hand through his hair. “Trust me. I’m a long way from perfect.”

“Would you mind sharing some of your flaws then?” he asked, darting his gaze toward me. “We’ll need those in explicit detail, please.”

“My flaws?” He pursed his lips but didn’t seem offended.

Does anything even cause a ripple in this guy’s confidence? He seemed completely unflappable to me while I, on the other hand, was completely and utterly flapped. Is that even a word?

“Let’s see,” he mused. “I have a huge, overbearing family. My job is definitely not glamorous. My apartment is the size of a pea, and I have no sense of decorating. My house isn’t homey at all.”

“That’s it?” I asked a little louder than I’d intended. “Those are your flaws?”

He smirked. “I’m also rude, closed-off, cocky, and I broke one of my toes during training. It’s crooked now.”

“A crooked toe.” I sat back, sighing like I was immensely disappointed in him. “Well, that does it. I don’t know how I’m ever going to look at you again.”

Carter laughed, leaning in to reply when his eyes suddenly tore away from mine and narrowed at the door. His voice was low, his face close enough to mine that I felt his sweet breath ghosting over my skin when he spoke.

“That’s the same woman. Do either of you recognize her?”

Ice shot through my veins before I even saw her, but then a commotion broke out between her and one of the women in the group who’d come in earlier. Carter visibly relaxed again when it appeared that she wasn’t there for me.

“A good old lover’s quarrel.” Jules chuckled, exhaling deeply when he realized the same thing. “For the record, I don’t recognize her but that was a good practice round.”

We ordered pizzas to share, eating and laughing until Jules insisted on paying the check and had to take off. He bent down to kiss my cheek before he left. “I have a meeting with the publicist. I’ll keep you in the loop. Remember that you need a dress for Anna’s birthday party. I’m sorry I can’t come shopping with you.”

After he left, Carter arched a brow at me. “Did I hear that correctly? We’re going shopping?”

“Yep.” I wasn’t any more excited about it than he seemed to be. “Anna’s a set designer for Wicked and she made me promise I’ll come to her birthday. If you’d rather not come dress shopping, I can go by myself.”

His jaw tightened. “That’s not a good idea. I’ll be fine. Just don’t expect too much input from me. My fashion sense must’ve gotten lost right along with my interior decorating abilities.”

I gave him a long look, noticing that there was a definite flare of heat in his gaze again. “I’m sure you’ll do just fine. Have you ever thought a woman looked hot in a dress?”

“Yes.” No further explanation given, but I saw his chest rise and fall on a deeper than usual breath. “Why?”

“Because that’s the only input I need from you,” I said cheerfully, trying to ignore how very much I wanted him in that moment. Again. “If I try something on you think looks hot, just let me know.”

“You’re a client.” His teeth ground together. “I’m

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