Dropping The Ball - A New Year’s Billionaire Romance - Weston Parker Page 0,25

eyes darted away from mine as she wrapped her hands around her biceps.

“I’m going to go take a shower,” she said. “One of the closets in your room hides a built-in TV cabinet. If you need anything else, just let me know.”

“Thanks.” I wouldn’t be setting foot anywhere near her room no matter what I needed, though.

If that was her way of saying goodnight, I’d see her in the morning even if I lost half my limbs before then. The only thing that would make me go in there was if there was a security threat. Other than that, I was taking my own advice and steering clear.

It couldn’t be that difficult, right?

Chapter 10


Living with that man and keeping my hands to myself was going to be far more challenging than I’d anticipated. When we’d met, there had been other people in the vicinity and it’d been in a conference room.

A sterile, professional space where anyone could barge in at any time.

My home was not like that. Having him here felt more intimate, the chemistry I felt between us so palpable I got goosebumps when I just looked at him for too long.

Good lord, he’s the hottest man I’ve ever seen. My skin still felt tingly when I stepped into the shower, even though I’d left him almost ten minutes ago.

The rules might say no touching or inappropriate behavior of any kind, but if we kept having such charged moments as we’d had up on that roof, that was going to be almost impossible. I didn’t know for sure, but I had a strong suspicion that he’d wanted to kiss me as much I’d wanted him to.

The way he’d looked at me had also made him seem even more familiar than he had before. It was like I’d seen him look at me exactly like that, with heat and something very close to longing in his eyes, a hundred times before. Yet I’d only seen him once before today.

So freaking weird.

It was bugging the hell out of me, but I was also still dealing with the aftereffects of having been so close to him and seeing him looking at me that way. Like he wanted to peel my pants off and take me right there on the frozen ground.

Another shudder passed through me. My shower was nice and hot. I wasn’t shivering because I was cold, nor had that caused the shiver upstairs. I hadn’t even known it was really possible before, but I was sure discovering it was real now. A person could be so turned on that their muscles wound so tightly that they actually moved.

A shudder. A shiver. I don’t know the exact right word for it, but it’s happening to me right now.

Between my legs, I was slicker than ever and physically aching. And all he did was look at me.

If he ever touched me, I would probably do something really embarrassing. I didn’t know what yet, but it was not normal to be right on the edge of a freaking orgasm just by having someone’s gaze on me.

The more I thought about it, the more worked up I got. Those smoldering eyes, his full lips, and his strong jawline in the fading sunlight were burned into my brain for good.

God, how long has it been since I’ve had a proper orgasm? I couldn’t even remember. With all the stress of the last few months, deciding whether it was the right time to start performing again, the battery of tests I’d gone through, and then choosing the right role, getting off had been the last thing on my mind.

Almost without a conscious thought having formed to do it, I soaped up my hands and ran them across my nipples. They’d been hard already, but they prepared to cut glass when I touched them. A low moan fell from my lips, and I pinched them shut.

How embarrassing would it be if he somehow heard me? It was unlikely, but he was in my house. Anything was possible. He could come to my room to ask something, or maybe he’d strip down and—

Snap out of it. Your life may not be a romance novel, but it sure as hell isn’t a porno either. Unfortunately.

Even more unfortunately, now that I’d had the thought of him stripping and joining me, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. It wasn’t all that difficult to imagine what he might look like naked. His clothes fit him so well that I already knew his

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