Dropping The Ball - A New Year’s Billionaire Romance - Weston Parker Page 0,23

slightly unhinged when I’d seen her address, but when she opened the door for us, it nearly hit the floor.

She flushed slightly when she saw my reaction. “It’s ostentatious, I know. Much too big for one person, but it’s got the best security we could find.”

“It’s quite something.” Before she even stepped back to let me in, I could see that her outer walls were mostly made of glass and had a great view. The ceilings were high, the pristine white tiles polished and the furnishings bright and colorful. “Are you sure it’s okay that Max stays here with me?”

Her blue eyes dropped from mine for the first time, and she lowered herself to her haunches as she smiled up at me. “It’s perfect. He’s just gorgeous. Yes, you are. You’re such a pretty boy.”

She gushed over him, scratching his neck and sides as if she couldn’t get enough. Meanwhile, all I could focus on was the fact that she was very close to being face to face with my crotch.

When she looked up at me with her eyes bright and lips slightly parted, I felt my dick becoming aware of her close proximity too. Yeah, this is going to be a really long fucking assignment.

“What kind of dog is he? He looks so regal.” She stood up and motioned me in.

My mouth was so dry I had to swallow before replying. “He’s a Shiba Inu. They’re Japanese.”

I had no idea why I’d added that last bit, but Rylee seemed intrigued. “Really? I’ve never seen one before. What are they like?”

“Fearless, alert, loyal. Not the easiest to train.” I tightened my grip on my suitcase. “Just point me in the right direction and I’ll drop this off.”

“Let me give you a tour,” she said, letting the door swing shut behind us. When she came to stand next to me, I caught that same sweet scent coming from her that I had the other day. God, my attraction to her is going to make this really awkward.

She looked gorgeous even in her light gray sweatpants and a pale pink, long-sleeved T-shirt. Her hair was tied in a low ponytail, and her face was bare. My only saving grace was that she wasn’t flirty at all.

In fact, she was almost shy. On the other hand, that just makes it worse. Nothing about her puts me off.

“The kitchen is to the right and the living area’s down the hall to the left. There’s a rooftop garden for Max here, a nice balcony off the TV room, and our rooms are just upstairs.”

“That’s… really impressive,” I said.

She smiled and led the way to a sweeping, modern staircase. “I’m glad you like it. Maybe it’ll make you feel better about being here with me. I’m sorry you had to move in, by the way.”

“You really have to stop apologizing. None of this is your fault. It was the right call to have someone with you at all times. There are very few security systems in the world that are infallible, if any, and people are often targeted entering or leaving their homes anyway.”

“I just wish it wasn’t necessary at all.” Her cheeks grew pink again. “Not that I mean I don’t want you here. It’s just…”

“Trust me, I get it.” Again, I had to fight the urge to reach out to her. Instead, I took another look around to distract myself while we walked.

It would take someone really dedicated to get in here, but it wasn’t impossible. When I turned my attention back on her, I noticed that her gaze seemed fixed on Max and I held up the hand with his leash in it. “Would you like to take him?”

“I’d love to. Let me show you to your room. Then I’ll take him upstairs. I’m sure he’d like a bathroom break and some fresh air. Does his breed need much exercise?”

I nodded. “At least an hour a day. I go running with him either early in the morning or early in the evening. I’ll arrange for Bart to be here when I go out.”

Bart didn’t really work in the field anymore, but he’d already told me he was willing to help out on this one. Especially since Max wasn’t going to stay with him for the duration of this job.

“That won’t be necessary,” Rylee said, shaking her head as we climbed up the stairs. “I go running most days anyway. I could just join you, if that’s okay. My friend Tani might like to

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