Dropping The Ball - A New Year’s Billionaire Romance - Weston Parker Page 0,15

sure people would really enjoy a special New Year’s performance,” I said. “Especially if it’s live. I don’t know where you heard all these rumors, but I heard one as well. Apparently, one of the alternative rock bands from the nineties is making a comeback that night.”

“Really?” He gave me a long look before setting his pen down. “Who might this band be?”

“I have no idea.” I lifted my hands and crossed my fingers. “I definitely know who I hope it’ll be, but I don’t want to jinx it by telling you.”

“It’s not a birthday wish,” he said irritably. “Stop trying to play games with me, Ryles. You won’t like it if I start playing too.”

A shudder ran down my spine at the gleam in his eyes. It was pure malice, and I had a feeling he was right. I wouldn’t like it if he started playing too.

I wasn’t about to let him intimidate me, though. Firmly holding his gaze, I lifted my chin and sat back in my chair. “Did you have any further questions for me, or are we done here?”

“We’re not done.” He tossed his pen down on the notebook and smirked, his hand snaking across the table toward me. Jules got up from the table he was sitting at, but Nathan saw him and waved him away before turning back to me. “You haven’t answered any of my questions.”

“I think you’ll find I’ve provided an answer for everything you’ve asked me.” I kept my eyes on his. “Our time is nearly over. Was there anything else?”

“When are you going to drop the act and agree to go out with me?” he asked, changing tack so fast it made my head spin.

Underneath the table, I felt his legs wind around mine. I tucked my feet under my chair immediately, scooting back a bit so I was out of his reach.

“Do you really think your readers would be interested in knowing the answer to that?” I asked.

He scowled at me before his features morphed into a strangely cold smile. “That question was off the record. You and I are going to happen, Rylee. It’s only a matter of time.”

“Let me make this perfectly clear to you.” I sat up straighter and pulled my shoulders back. “I’m not interested in you like that, Nathan. You and I are never going to happen. This is supposed to be an interview. Let’s keep it professional, shall we?”

“It’s in your best interest to become interested,” he said, his face growing a strange and unnatural shade of something between purple and puce. He leaned forward farther, almost halfway across the table by now. “I’m getting tired of you pretending that you don’t want me just so I’ll chase you.”

“That’s not what’s going on here at all.” I pushed my chair back and stood up but kept my voice down and my tone cordial. “It’s clear that you have no more questions for me. This interview is over. Goodbye, Nathan.”

He was practically vibrating with rage, his skin now mottled and his features twisted into a sneer. “Watch your back, Rylee Naples. You’ve been playing with fire and you don’t even seem to realize it. Everyone who plays with fire gets burned sooner or later.”

The words, delivered with the expression he was wearing, struck a healthy dose of fear into my heart. I didn’t let it show, though. I would never let him know how much this conversation had confused and rattled me.

Without saying another word or sparing him another look, I turned and walked away. Jules fell into step beside me just as I was nearing the door. “Are you okay?”

I nodded. “I’ll fill you in on the way to our next meeting, but that was really weird. What did that security company you spoke to say?”

“They’ve got someone available for you next week. I’ve sent you their contact details in case you wanted to discuss the qualities you’d like in a guard with them directly.”

Rummaging around in my purse for my phone without breaking stride, I let the door slam shut behind us and made the call I needed to make. After that encounter, I wasn’t willing to wait until next week before I got someone to watch my back—as Nathan had threatened.

Nathan hadn’t seemed like he was kidding, nor had he been particularly vague or ambiguous in his threats. I needed someone with me until I could figure out what his game was—and I needed that person like yesterday.

Jules frowned when he

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