Dropping The Ball - A New Year’s Billionaire Romance - Weston Parker Page 0,100

word of it. If it came to it, I knew he’d run with me or stay right here in the city with me.

All I’d been able to think about was how I’d never take him away from doing what he loved. His job, his life, was also right here in Manhattan.

Besides, I might be nervous, but I wasn’t a runner. I’d stay and face my demons if that was what happened. Then I’d slay them and never look back.

Carter had only been away from me for about an hour, but there was already an ache of missing him deep within my chest. It was always like that now when we were separated, even for the briefest period of time.

I’d worry I was getting co-dependent, but I knew it wasn’t that. I was just in love with him. I knew I loved him. Hell, I’d fallen for him when I was fifteen years old—maybe even before then— and no other man had ever managed to get my heart back from him.

I hadn’t told him yet. There had been a lot going on, and I wanted to tell him when it was just us. When we were relaxed at home and this show wasn’t looming over us anymore.

Billy cut into my thoughts with the exact question that was on my mind. “Where’s Carter? I thought they’d be done with their walkthrough by now. I’ve thought about some new threats to add to the ‘you’re dating my little sister list.’”

He made air quotes with his fingers, looking mighty smug for a guy who’d played a key role in getting us back together without any threats having been made. Carter had told me about what Billy said to him, and I’d been honest about how much it’d meant to me that he’d gotten my brother here in the first place.

When we talked about the conversations we’d both had with my brother, we’d realized that he’d gone in the complete opposite direction of big brothers who found out their best friends were dating their little sisters. Fine, childhood best friends, but it still counted.

Billy hadn’t been a dick who tried to keep us apart. If anything, he’d brought us back together. And we still had no clue what was really going on in his life.

He was always evasive, giving us answers that didn’t really do anything but cause more questions. All we knew was that after our parents’ anniversary party next month, he was going on tour with some country-music star.

Carter said he’d try to dig a little while Billy was here for the show. I shook my head at my brother now, remembering he’d asked a question. “I don’t know where he is. I’m sure he’ll be back just as soon as they’re done.”

“I’m going to go look for him.” Mirth danced in Billy’s eyes when they met mine. “Don’t worry, Ry. These threats are good. He won’t ever hurt you. If he does, I’ll send the aliens to probe him.”

He gave me an exaggerated wink before making his way to the door. Tani and I exchanged a look. I laughed and she rolled her eyes. “Who knows what goes through any man’s head, right?”

“We know if they tell us,” I said, but she just rolled her eyes again and suggested we run through a few more songs.

When we were done rehearsing for the last time, my performance was growing near and there was still no sign of Carter. Nerves bounced around in my stomach. He was a public figure now too, thanks to me and my brilliant plan of having him pose as my boyfriend.

I fidgeted with my hands, running the pads of my index fingers over my thumbnails while I watched the door. Mom and Dad came up to me wearing matching frowns of concern.

“Are you sure you’re okay, darling?” Dad asked. “You seem worried.”

I turned away from the entrance, giving my parents my full attention. They deserved at least that from me. “I’m okay. It’s just that lovely sack of nerves bugging me. I know the doctors cleared me, but I can’t help but think about it, you know?”

In the back of my mind, my last time onstage kept replaying itself over and over again. “What if my legs give out again? What am I going to do if I fall out there, on New Year’s Eve, with the entire country watching?”

Strong arms enveloped me from behind, and Carter’s voice was right next to my ear. “I’ll be there to catch

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