Dreamwalkers - Corinne Davis Page 0,96

that if our genetic bond wasn't strong enough then our proximity bond would take effect. Whatever was out there, though, was stronger than I was. It kept me from him and when I managed to fight through it, it went after him instead.”

“How will we find him? If you had so much trouble, how will this work for us?”

He takes a deep breath and motions toward the seating area in the room. Zoë and I sit and he follows, taking a seat across from us.

“There are others, here at our facility, who are also lost. Paul is one of eight individuals whom we care for who have not been conscious within their physical bodies for over six months. I have heard rumors that the eight have taken up residence together somewhere in the void and are managing to keep themselves alive. I have no idea how they are doing this or where they are. One of our residents claims to have observed them on several occasions.”

“How did this person find them?”

“I believe it was a proximity bond that brought them together. We are all in very close quarters here and often cross paths with one another when we walk. Some nights, it feels as if you see everyone you know. Others, you are very isolated. We have actually done some experimenting with electrical activity and found some interesting information.”

“Wait—electrical activity?” Zoë interrupts.

His tone remains somber. “It's not as awful as it sounds. We have recently had some luck connecting people using very small electrical waves. It's painless at the low level we use. I've been a subject myself and can attest to it.”

“So you're running electrical currents through people's bodies?” Zoë asks with a great deal of apprehension in her voice.

“In a sense, yes. One of our researchers discovered that on nights where we have thunderstorms, more people seem to connect. He measured the electrical waves in the airspace around the colony and discovered them to be slightly elevated. He then created a device that sends the same level of electrical waves through the airspace of the pods. Each pod is equipped with the device, however they are rarely used, unless requested.”

“Are you trying to tell us that you want us to request having the electrical charge?” I ask.

“I don't know if you will need it, but if your journey seems prolonged, then yes, I would like your permission to activate it. But only in your pod, Miss Owens. I don’t know if it will interfere with your abilities, Miss Carver, so you will not be subjected to it.”

“What will happen to Emma if you activate it?”

“It will increase her ability to come in contact with other walkers.”

“But physically, what will happen to her?”

“She will barely be able to feel the heightened electricity. It almost feels like when you get a charge of static electricity, but without the zap.”

Zoë looks as if she is about to launch into a full-scale argument, so I interrupt. “I’ll do it.”

“Emma, no. You need more information before you make this decision.”

“If there's a possibility that it can help us find anyone, I don’t see what there is for me to think about. The whole reason we came here is to find lost people.”

“Emma, we came here to find your sister. You already have a biological connection to her.”

“There are other people who need our help too. I'm not just going to abandon them out there because something seems a little scary or dangerous. Besides, Dr. Milton said he tried it himself and there was no physical danger. Right, Dr. Milton?”

“That's correct. Your nursing staff will wear special clothing that repels electrical charges. Whenever your pod needs to be opened, the electrical charge will be lowered. It's not even a high enough charge to interfere with any of the equipment we use. It is perfectly safe—I would not put you in any danger, Miss Owens.”

I look into his eyes. Sincerity lies deep within them. “I know you wouldn't.”

“So you're going to electrify yourself?” Zoë snaps at me.

“Zoë, you heard him say the air will feel no different than it does during a thunderstorm.”

“Yeah, but a bolt of lightning has a hell of a lot of electricity in it. Enough to kill someone.”

“I'm not going to electrocute her, Miss Carver. I'm simply trying to assist her.” His tone changes.

“Look, I'm sorry, but I can’t shake the feeling that there will be some pain from this that you aren't telling her about.”

Dr. Milton falls silent and looks

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