Dreamwalkers - Corinne Davis Page 0,65

pressure, and brain activity. Tall metal poles holding several bags of various liquids hang above each pod. Tubes run from the bags into the pod, connecting to whomever is inside.

Dr. Milton swipes his I.D. badge through the security system then places his palm on a scanning device. The glass doors slide open and we enter. A strikingly beautiful woman with very dark, distinct features approaches us. Dr. Milton introduces her to us as Dr. Edwards. “Dr. Edwards is the head of the pod room. She will lead the next part of our tour and explain the pods to you in detail.”

She steps forward with a smile on her face and nods in each of our directions. “Please follow me, ladies.” Her presence is powerful. I get the impression that everyone does what she says, regardless of his or her own opinions.

She leads us over to a quiet, unoccupied area of the room with several empty pods. “These pods have been prepared for the two of you.”

She presses a button and the glass covering seamlessly retracts as if evaporating into thin air. “As you can see, each pod contains a pressure point bed. It's made up of memory foam that rests on an air pressure chamber. It constantly measures the force your body exerts in a supine position, noting any areas receiving too much pressure, and adjusts accordingly. It essentially prevents pressure ulcers from occurring.”

Zoë interrupts, “If it can do that then why aren’t these beds used in hospitals and nursing homes?”

Dr. Milton responds, “All of the advanced technology we use here was created here by our team of scientists through painstaking research. We own the patents on everything. It is just a matter of time before they are used worldwide. Dr. Edwards, please continue.”

“The pod is constantly supplied with oxygen and remains closed most of the time. There is an exhaust system, which filters out the carbon dioxide your body produces to keep the environment as pure and clean as possible. We also regulate the humidity to keep your skin at an optimal moisture level.

“You will have intravenous lines placed, which will keep you nourished. The formula we use has the perfect balance of vitamins, minerals, proteins and electrolytes to keep your body healthy and strong while you are sleeping, and to prevent your muscles from breaking down and atrophying.”

As she explains the process, she moves around the pod, pointing out the different monitors and explaining their functions. “You will constantly be connected to this machine, which will monitor your heart rate, pulse, respiration rate, and blood pressure. It is important to remember that this room is a medical facility. You will each be assigned a team of nurses who will monitor you around the clock. You will receive the same basic care as a person in a hospital who is in a comatose state.

“It is also important to remember that your body will be more susceptible to infection while you are here, which is why everyone who enters this room must go through a decontamination process first. This is not a long-term solution. No human can survive a lifetime like this. It can healthily sustain you for weeks or months, maybe even a year. Any longer than that and you risk permanent, irreversible damage to your muscles and organs, including your brain.”

“I’m confused. I thought there were people here who lived like this forever?” I ask, thinking of my uncle, wondering if he is in one of these pods.

“There are individuals here on various levels of care,” Dr. Milton explains. “As we discussed earlier, you do not need to worry about any of that. You will be in very capable hands. We do not expect you will need an extensive amount of time, but should you require it, we will be able to advance your care very swiftly.”

“When will we come here to begin?”

“Your physicals are scheduled for 9 a.m. tomorrow morning,” Dr. Edwards answers. “If everything checks out fine, which I’m sure it will, you can begin immediately.”

“But we have to be able to fall asleep,” I state, confused.

“We have a powerful herbal remedy that has been brewed into a tea. It induces a completely natural sleep state. As I’m sure you know, if we anesthetize you, your subconscious mind will shut down and you will not be able to travel. After much research, we have found a combination of herbs that will get you in the proper frame of mind while putting you into a very natural

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