Dreamwalkers - Corinne Davis Page 0,46

the grin?” Zoë asks.

“She was just, great. I spent a lot of walks with her. She taught me a lot.”

“Why haven’t you ever mentioned her?”

“I didn’t remember her until just now. I haven’t seen her for a very long time.”

“So she lives here?” Zoë takes a few steps away from the window and looks up at the rocky cliff. “Permanently?”

“Yeah, she’s a witch and lives here in this… realm, or whatever you call it. None of the things that live in there,” I say pointing to the forest, “will come anywhere near her. They know what she can do to them.”

“Do you think she’s still alive today?”

“It’s possible. I found her a few different times.”

“Do you know how to find her?”

I lean against the wall. “There’s an archway inside of a stone wall, somewhere in the middle of a forest. It’s hidden in the trees and not everyone can see it. It’s enchanted—what exists inside of it isn’t visible from the outside. I don’t know exactly how I found it. It was just sort of there.”

I turn my attention back inside the house where Cardine has taken a seat at the table next to the younger version of me. She turns toward me, places a hand on my cheek and says, “you can end this curse, young Emma. But the time is not yet upon you.”

I stare up at her, eyes glistening in the light of the fire, not yet old enough to grasp the concept of what she is talking about. “Drink your tea, lass.”

I expect us to be transported to a different memory, but we stay exactly where we are. “We aren’t leaving. There’s something else here we’re supposed to see.”

The branches on the trees at the edge of the forest retract, forming a clear path that we are meant to take. “Oh, well, that’s very comforting. I can’t wait to go in there,” Zoë says sarcastically.

The path continues to grow as we head into the woodland. The sky above the trees slowly darkens. Small twinkles of light begin to fill the air like fallen stars. After only a few moments of walking, we come upon a hefty tree that is hollowed out. Soft whimpers come from within. Zoë carefully steps toward the tree and looks inside the empty space.

“Emma, come and look at this,” Zoë commands me.

Inside the tree sits Clara, curled up and crying, her face buried in her arms.

A small, cloud-like shape of bright white floats delicately above Clara’s head, leaving a trail as it rises from her scalp. “What is that?” I whisper, afraid to move.

The cloud moves higher, away from her, and eventually its connection to her breaks. It floats gently out of the tree and rises into the air, turning into another twinkling white light.

“Zoë…” I grab her arm and pull her back. Clara has emerged from the tree. Her head is tilted up to the sky. She looks exhausted and emotionless. She is covered in dirt from head to toe. The tears streaming down her face cut paths in the dark smudges on her cheeks.

The trees slowly disintegrate, and within moments we are surrounded only by darkness.

The small twinkling lights all move together, hovering over Clara. They all converge, forming one large ball of glowing white light that she cannot break her gaze from. The light unhurriedly lowers, surrounding her. Zoë and I cover our eyes as the glow intensifies. A gush of wind explodes from the light and all at once it vanishes, taking Clara with it. All that remains is the two of us.


The alarm clock on the nightstand tersely beeps the most intrusive and obnoxious beep I have ever heard in my life, effectively waking me up.

I reach my arm out from under the covers in search of the snooze button but Zoë beats me to it, slamming her hand down hard on the large oval button. I slowly slide the covers off my face and wrap them around my shoulder as I turn to face her. Without speaking a word, she crawls out of bed and heads into the bathroom.

My mind is busy already, even though I’ve only been awake for a moment. Last night was the most intense night of my life. I have never experienced anything even remotely close to it. My body feels rested and ready to start the day, but mentally, I am exhausted.

I have learned so much in the past eight hours. Vivid little flashes of each and every walk

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