Dreamwalkers - Corinne Davis Page 0,121

pull one out of his head.”

“Forest. Let’s go in the forest,” Charlie hastily agrees popping up from his seat.

Zoë and I each offer an arm to Cardine for balance. As we step out of the house, we are greeted by ungodly screams that rattle the tree branches in the distance. Charlie curses under his breath realizing what he has agreed to.

“How am I going to let go of a memory?”

“Haven’t you lost any yet, lad?”

“Well, if I had, I wouldn’t exactly remember that I did.”

Cardine chuckles at his words. “Has he always been this much of an arse?” she asks me.

“He has his moments,” I say with a smile.

“Sometimes, he has a lot of moments,” Zoë chimes in.

We take only a few steps into the wooded area before Cardine decides we have gone far enough. “How have you been holding on to your memories while you’ve been here?” she asks him.

Charlie shrugs. “I haven’t thought of anything besides Emma since I got here. I somehow managed to trick myself into believing that just my memories of her could keep me happy.”

Cardine shakes her head at him then turns to Zoë. “He’s not desperate enough yet. He feels too safe, too connected. It could take ages to get a memory out of him. I think you’ll have to pull one out yourself.”

“Why do I not like the sound of this?” Charlie asks.

“Because you’re a smart man. Now shut it and take a seat on the ground.”

She turns back to Zoë. “I can’t tell you exactly what you’ll need to do to extract a memory, but I can guide you. Kneel down, have him lie in front of you and place his head in your lap.”

The two of them arrange themselves in the position Cardine has commanded. She instructs Charlie to close his eyes and allow his mind to turn to darker thoughts. “This will be easiest for the both of you if don’t fight back. Let her take what she wants from you. You’ll get it back soon enough. Now close your eyes. Think of the darkest moment you’ve experienced in your life. Let it overpower you.”

Charlie takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. Cardine moves closer to Zoë. “Place your fingertips on his temples and close your eyes. Allow his energy to flow through you. Once you feel it, you’ll be able to read his thoughts. Find a memory and pull its energy toward you. Let it become your own. Once you have it, release your connection with him.”

Fear flows through my veins as I helplessly watch the scene before me unfold. Charlie’s face falls and sadness sweeps over him. His throat jumps as he swallows hard.

Cardine makes her way back over to me and places her hand on my shoulder for balance. A nearly imperceptible shift of energy flows through the air and I hold my breath as I watch the transformation.

A small, glowing light slowly emerges from the top of Charlie’s head and hangs in the air for a brief moment before flowing into Zoë’s chest.

Zoë slowly removes her hands from Charlie’s temples and rubs them on her outer thighs. She clears her throat, but doesn’t say anything. Charlie’s eyes slowly open and meet with my gaze. A smile spreads across his face. "Hey beautiful," he says softly.

I laugh, Zoë rolls her eyes and Cardine mutters something unintelligible while shaking her head. “What did you take from him?” I ask Zoë.

She sighs heavily. Her voice is soft and choppy as she answers, “the day he broke your heart.”

“Did the mind magic work?” Charlie asks Zoë.

“Yep,” she curtly replies while urging him to stand up.

He sits up and Zoë rises to her feet. She brushes the dirt off her knees as she asks Cardine, “so now what? How do I give it back to him?”

“This part is a little bit trickier. Not all memories are wanted. The unwanted ones are more difficult to return. But they are the most important part of returning home. They tell us exactly who we truly are.”

Charlie stands up from the ground and positions himself next to me. Zoë shakes her head at him. “You couldn’t think about a puppy your parents wouldn’t let you get when you were little? I’m new at this.”

“Focus, Zoë!” Cardine snaps. “Find the memory in your heart and pull it to the surface. Define a clear path for it to flow from your heart to his mind.”

Charlie stands motionless staring at Zoë. She looks deep into his

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