Drained (Edgars Family #6) - Suzanne Ferrell Page 0,85

her back to offer him her breasts.

“It’s been so long,” she moaned, barely above a whisper.

He shifted to the other breast, thrusting his hips forward to run the length of his condom-sheathed cock between her pussy lips. “For me, too, sweetness,” he said before latching on to suckle again.

“How…long?” she said through a gasp.

Setting his hands on either side of her body, he changed his position, lifting up to stare down into her passion-filled eyes, his cock poised to enter her. “Since the day I met you.”

With one steady thrust he filled her completely.

“Ohhh,” she moaned arching her body to thrust her hips against his. Tightening her muscles, she clenched him inside her, wrapped her legs around his thighs and gripped his ass cheeks once more. “You feel so good.”

With a growl, he pulled back slightly, then thrust in again, at the same time latching onto where her neck and shoulder met.

More heat sizzled through her. “Yes. More please.”

Taking her plea as permission, he took control, sliding out to the tip, then pushing deep back inside.

Slowly at first.

She gasped and dug her nails into his flesh with each thrust. It stimulated him to quicken the pace, driving her closer to the edge.

“Oh, oh,” she moaned, just before he covered her mouth with his and plunged in deep and hard one last time.

Her body tightened as she reached the pinnacle and fell over into blissful passion, clinging tightly to his shuddering body as she rode the waves slowly to the shore. He eased his kiss, then released her lips to lay his head face down next to hers.

“I’ve never…” She paused to suck in air.

“Never what?” he muttered into her ear.

“Never came at the same time as—”

He claimed her mouth once more in a hard, possessive kiss. Rocking his body against hers, sending more aftershocks of little orgasms through her. “Oh, God.”

Then he lifted slightly, bracing his body on one forearm as he swept the sweaty strands of her hair off her face, a look of pure masculine satisfaction in his eyes. “I like that I’m the only one that’s ever given you that.”

Her heart swelled as she stared up at him and all of a sudden, she was sixteen again. “I like it, too.”

With a smile, he kissed her quickly, then slid off her body and climbed out of bed. She turned on her side and watched his fine ass strut towards her bathroom. Her nails had left a light scoring on his back and it made her giggle.

“What’s so funny?” he asked when he returned, pulling her up against him to rest her head on his chest.

“I left my mark on you,” she said and wiggled the French-manicured nails on her right hand at him.

He grasped her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing her knuckles. “Yes, you did a long time ago. Tonight, just put the exclamation mark on it.”

“You got any more in that bottle?” the doctor asked.

“Not this one,” he said, holding it upside down to let the last drop of whiskey fall out onto the asphalt.

“Damn.” The former surgeon swiped the dirty sleeve of his jacket over his lips. His reddened, rheumy eyes begged for more of the liquor he’d drowned in since leaving prison.

“I got more,” he said, leaving the idea hanging in the damp rainy atmosphere surrounding their spot underneath the interstate overpass where they’d taken shelter.

The older man’s eyes lit up. “Well, bring it out.”

“Can’t, I left it over in my motel room.”

“You got a warm room? What are you doing out on a night like this?”

He chuckled. “Same as you. Got caught by that sudden rainstorm that blew in off the lake.”

The doctor nodded. “Damn lake-effect rain and snow. One of the few things I hate about Cleveland.”

“Looks like there’s a break in the weather.” He stood and held out his hand into the drizzle that was now coming down. “Might head on over to my room before it gets worse. That new bottle is just waiting on me to crack it open.” He paused, to let the temptation of more liquor stimulate this guy’s craving button. “You’re welcome to come help me.”


The email alert went off on Aaron’s phone as Brianna walked into her kitchen. Seated at her kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee, with Stanley seated on his lap, he pushed a few buttons on his phone. She smiled at the pair and went to her coffee maker to slip her favorite flavor of single cup coffee

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