Drained (Edgars Family #6) - Suzanne Ferrell Page 0,32

shook his head. “No, I think we’re going to have to trace Art’s footsteps, establish his routine.”


“Even homeless people have routines. Certain shelters give out meals only so many days a week. Clinics are more open for them on certain days. A favorite restaurant may give away leftovers at the end of a shift.” He yawned, then stretched. “But first I think we all need some sleep. I’d better take our little friend out before we all crash.”

“I set the blanket and pillow for you on the couch,” she said handing him the dog’s leash. The door next to the one into the garage goes out to the back patio and yard. I’ll set the alarm once you’re back inside.”

Nodding, he attached the leash to Stanley and led him out into the darkness. He could’ve asked her for the alarm code so she could go on to bed, but knew she wasn’t ready to trust him or anyone with her safety yet. It ate at him, but he totally understood it.

“Hurry up, little dude,” he said to Stanley. “We don’t want her locking us out.”

The riff of a blues guitar ripped through the veil of sleep, startling Brianna awake.

What the hell?

Then a deep voice sounded in the other room.


He’d camped out in her living room to protect his witness, Stanley, who had decided he’d rather sleep in the bed curled up next to her five minutes after she’d crawled beneath her bedding. He’d been like a little personal heating pad—or bundle—relaxing her enough to go to sleep immediately.

She groaned as she rolled over to look at the clock through half-opened eyes. Nine. She’d woken up at seven-thirty to call in sick and let the office know about Paula, promptly rolling over and going back to sleep. Curling on her side again, she pulled Stanley in closer, stroking his fur. She prayed he didn’t have fleas, and he probably needed a bath, but she couldn’t help giving him a little loving. After all he’d lost his owner and probably his best friend.

A knock sounded on her door frame.

She looked over her shoulder to find Aaron standing there in his jeans and shirt, his hair a little messy and dangling the dog leash in one hand. He’d always been handsome, but dang, who knew he’d looks so sexy right out of bed?

“I think I’d better take him outside. We need to be at the hospital when Kirk F gets there to get Nana.”

Agreeing, set Stanley on the floor, who promptly ran over to Aaron, wagging his tail and waited for his leash to be attached. Once the pair left the doorway, she slowly crawled out of bed and headed to her bathroom. She wasn’t a morning person on a good day with eight hours of sleep. They’d gotten to bed about four, so five hours was not going to make her Sally Sunshine. Caffeine was imperative. A lot of caffeine.

By the time the boys came back inside, she’d managed a quick shower and had thrown on a comfortable sweater, jeans and socks. Spring might be on the calendar, but true to the northeast corner of Ohio, it was going to be a cold, drizzly day. If she and Aaron were going to be out in the elements, she was going to be warm.

She sat at the island sipping a cup of spiced tea when Aaron and Stanley entered the kitchen. She’d opened a can of tuna and put it in a bowl on the floor by the water bowl she’d established for Stanley last night.

“I know he’s not a cat, but I really don’t have anything else he can eat,” she said as Aaron unleashed the pup, who happily dug into the food.

“Coffee?” he asked.

She nodded at the one cup coffee maker and the box of variety coffee pods she’d set out on the counter next to a big coffee mug. When Kirk F stayed with her, he’d complained about her love of tea in the morning. To keep the peace, she’d bought the single cup maker, which she could use for tea and hot chocolate, too.

Thankfully, Aaron didn’t seem to be a chatty morning person, either. With a fluidity and efficiency of a man used to fending for himself, he made his coffee, snagged his phone from his coat pocket and joined her at the island stools. They drank in companionable silence.

“Who was on the phone?” she finally asked once she knew she wouldn’t snap at him. That change in her

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